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Add LeastSquareCG-Solver from Eigen

Max Jäschke requested to merge Max_Jaeschke/ogs:LSCG into master

This MR implements the LeastSquareCG Linear Solver from Eigen. With this solver rectangular (unsquare) equations systems (currently only in the HEAT_TRANSPORT_BHE) can be solved directly without forming the normalized equation A^T \cdot A \cdot x = A^T \cdot b, which results in a more accurate, faster and more stable solution. Additionally a bool can_solve_rectangular is added to determine, if the solver can handle rectangular equation systems. If this bool is false, the normalization is furthermore performed for rectangular equation systems - but I added a warning.

For PETSC and Eigen the bool can_solve_rectangular is set according to the specific solver. For the lis-solvers can_solve_rectangular is always set to false, because I did not found specific information in the lis solver user guide about the possibility to solve rectangular equation systems.

  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added?
  3. Any new feature or behaviour change was documented? nothing to document
Edited by Max Jäschke

Merge request reports
