CI Pipeline & Release Roadmap
Check that Python files are syntactically correct, !16 (merged) -
Check that all notebooks run through without errors (maybe together with Sphinx docu) -
Code formatting check, !16 (merged) -
Unit tests -
Configure output dir, cleanup dir before run
Static analysis, !16 (merged)
"Release Roadmap"
Nacharbeiten an msh2vtu -
Move to stable (LB), !20 (merged) -
stricter unit tests (CL) -
more end-to-end tests, also what about the gmsh howtos? Shall they be tested too? Maybe they could also become part of the documentation (maybe even in a notebook).
pip package (LB) -
pypi testing !21 (merged) -
pypi stable
ogstools in OGS CI pipeline instead of msh2vtu from GitHub (LB) -
documentation website (LB) -
basic website !19 (merged) -
theme -
Markdown on website -
add some introductory text, make release ready -
separate usage/API/example docs
add docu page for EXPERIMENTAL stuff -
mention used libraries
more cleanup (especially commented blocks)
- Dinge, die in ogstools kommen, sollten im Haupt-OGS-Repo verwendet werden.
Edited by Christoph Lehmann