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[meshlib] Algorithm for automatic meshing of generic BHE cases

Max Jäschke requested to merge Max_Jaeschke/ogstools:genBHEMesh into main


A new fully python based tool for BHE meshes, which is especially helpful for generic numerical experiments or simple real world cases.


  • calculate the mesh layering automatically according to the specified groundwater flow and BHE's
  • supports full 'prism' and semi 'structured' meshes
  • multiple soil and groundwater layers are supported
  • multiple BHE's can be integrated into the mesh
  • exports automatically the groundwater inflow, the bottom and the top surface as sub meshes

Application background

The existing tools did not provide a simple as possible workflow to setup a mesh for a Heat-Transport-BHE simulation in OGS. The most widespread used tool until now is the BHE meshing tool from Philip Hein (executable in the build folder of OGS), which needs multiple definitions for the mesh layering. Other tools like Extract Surface are also need to preprocess the needed sub meshes. Also a tutorial of meshing BHE cases with Gmsh at the OGS-Website is available, but it needs an understand of Gmsh and a lot code for every new mesh. This time consuming process can be shortened by this new functionality.


  • preprocessing


Edited by Max Jäschke

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