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Draft: Restructure feflowlib

Julian Heinze requested to merge heinzej/ogstools:restructureFeflow into main

Aim is a full integration to the meshclass. A goal for the API is defined in #62. Further (old) planning can be found in the wiki.

Furhter ToDos:

  • rewrite cli
  • think of write_mesh_of_combined_properties
  • rewrite examples (delete links)
  • think of new function for boundary conditions (maybe also function for writing) or introduce BC-class
  • introduce meshlib.Mesh class as type for ogs_specific meshes?
  • introduce consistent SI-Unit conversion for all possible parameter
  • think of renaming parameter in feflow-language to ogs-language
  • refactor templates, so no code duplications occur
  • allow time steps, initial time and end time to be arguments for all processes in templates
  • fix permeability for HT process
  • introduce generic template for processes, not defined
  • allow SSD as process in feflowModel
  • rename feflowModel->FeflowModel
  • bug fixes Hailong
  • remove -i -o from cli and use same path as input, if no output is specified
  • edit log, so only with --verbose you get detailed log. maybe create a log-output file.
  • adjust test for large model
  • if MaterialIDs in user-data overwrite them in bulk mesh
Edited by Julian Heinze

Merge request reports