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test_bm_script_local.R 6.04 KiB
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# runs and compares ogs6 benchmarks run with ogs6 as reference and r2ogs6
# a call from the cli requires to give arguments
# 1st arg: ogs version e.g. "6.4.1"
# 2nd arg: "ref" or "r2ogs" or "compare"
# 3rd arg: the date of the test runs in "yyyy-mm-dd"
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# utils
dir_make_overwrite <- function(path) {

    if (dir.exists(path)) {
    unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)
    dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)

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# Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------
basedir <- "tmp/benchmarks-test"
resultsdir <- "local-bm-test"
test_date <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[3]

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if (commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[2] == "ref" |
    commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[2 ]== "r2ogs6") {

    ogs_version <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[1]
    ogs_repo <- paste0(basedir,"/ogs")
    if (!dir.exists(ogs_repo)) {
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            command = c(
    if (!file.exists(paste0(ogs_repo, "-", ogs_version, "-serial.sif"))) {
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            command = c(
                "-nv", # no verbose
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                       ogs_version, "/ogs-", ogs_version, "-serial.sif")

    prjs <- r2ogs6:::get_benchmark_paths(paste0(ogs_repo, "/ProcessLib"))
    #prjs <- prjs[1:15] # for testing
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    #### Exceptions #####
    # exclude some prj files
    prjs <- prjs[!grepl("\\.xml$", prjs)]
    prjs <- prjs[!grepl("TH2M/THM/slab/THM_1d_dirichlet.prj", prjs)]
    prjs <- prjs[!grepl("InvalidProjectFiles/", prjs)]
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    # make ogs call
    ogs6_container <- paste0(basedir, "/ogs-", ogs_version, "-serial.sif")
    singularity_opts <- unlist(options("r2ogs6.default_singularity_opts"))
        singularity_opts <- ""
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    # include call with --app ogs flag for ogs < 6.4.1
    if (as.numeric(gsub("[.]", "", ogs_version)) <= 640) {
        ogs6_command_str <- c("singularity", "exec", singularity_opts,
                              "--app", "ogs", ogs6_container, "ogs")
    } else {
        ogs6_command_str <- c("singularity", "exec", singularity_opts,
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                              ogs6_container, "ogs")
    #  reorder for using 'system2()'
    if (length(ogs6_command_str)>1) {
        ogs6_sing_args <- ogs6_command_str[-1]
        ogs6_command_str <- ogs6_command_str[1]
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    } else {
        ogs6_command_str <- ogs6_command
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# reference run -----------------------------------------------------------
if (commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[2] == "ref") {

    out_ref <- paste0("-o ", basedir, "/out_ref")
    dir_make_overwrite(paste0(basedir, "/out_ref"))
    dir_make_overwrite(paste0(basedir, "/out_ref/logfiles"))
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    ref_exit <- tibble(benchmark = character(),
                       ref = numeric())
    for (prj in prjs[1:5]) {
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        print(paste0("Running benchmark ", prj))
        prj_path <- paste0(ogs_repo, "/Tests/Data/", prj)
        log_ref <- paste0("> ", basedir, "/out_ref/logfiles/",
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                          sub(".prj",".txt", basename(prj)))

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        out <- system2(command = ogs6_command_str,
                       args = c(ogs6_sing_args, prj_path, out_ref, log_ref))
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        ref_exit <- add_row(ref_exit,
                            benchmark = prj,
                            ref = out)

    ref_exit$ogs <- ogs_version
    ref_exit$date <- test_date
    save(ref_exit, file = paste0(basedir, "/ref_exit_", test_date,".rda"))
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# test run with r2ogs6 ----------------------------------------------------
if (commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[2] == "r2ogs6") {

    test_exit <- tibble(benchmark = character(),
                        test = numeric())
    out_test <- paste0(basedir, "/out_test")
    dir_make_overwrite(paste0(out_test, "/logfiles"))

    for (prj in prjs[1:5]) {
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        print(paste0("Attempting to run benchmark ", prj))
        prj_path <- paste0(ogs_repo, "/Tests/Data/", prj)
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        out <- tryCatch({
                prj_path = prj_path,
                ogs6_bin_path = ogs6_container,
                sim_path = out_test
        error = function(e) {
            message("\nrun_benchmark() failed!\nOriginal error message:")

        test_exit <- add_row(test_exit,
                            benchmark = prj,
                            test = out)
    test_exit$test[which($test))] <- 99
    test_exit$ogs <- ogs_version
    test_exit$date <- test_date
    save(test_exit, file = paste0(basedir, "/test_exit_", test_date,".rda"))
# compare exit codes -----------------------------------------------------
if (commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[2] == "compare") {
    load(paste0(basedir, "/ref_exit_", test_date,".rda"))
    load(paste0(basedir, "/test_exit_", test_date,".rda"))
    compare_exit <- dplyr::full_join(ref_exit, test_exit, by = "benchmark")
    print(compare_exit, n = nrow(compare_exit))
    cat("\n\n Failed benchmarks:\n")
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    # benchmarks that passed with & without r2ogs6
    r2ogs6_passed <- compare_exit$test[which(compare_exit$ref == 0)] == 0
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    if(!all(r2ogs6_passed)) {
        cat(paste0(compare_exit$benchmark[which(compare_exit$ref == 0)][!r2ogs6_passed],
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                     collapse = "\n"))
        cat("\n\n Exit codes for r2ogs6 were nonzero for above benchmarks!\n")
    n_passed <- length(r2ogs6_passed[which(r2ogs6_passed == T)])
    percent_passed <- n_passed/length(r2ogs6_passed)*100
    cat(paste("\n\n Share of passed benchmarks: ", percent_passed, " %.\n"))
         file = paste0(resultsdir, "/compare_exit_", test_date,".rda"))
print("job done")