<p>If we want to run not one but multiple simulations, we can use the simulation object we just created as a blueprint for an ensemble run. The workflow for this is described in detail <a href="ensemble_workflow_vignette.Rmd">here</a>.</p>
<p>Another feature of <code>r2ogs6</code> is benchmark script generation. For this, there are two functions.</p>
<li><p><code>ogs6_generate_benchmark_script()</code> creates an R script from a <code>.prj</code> file</p></li>
<li><p><code>ogs6_generate_benchmark_scripts()</code> is a wrapper for the former. Instead of a single <code>.prj</code> file path, it takes a directory path as its argument.</p></li>
<p>Let’s look at the parameters for <code>ogs6_generate_benchmark_script()</code> first. Say we have a project file <code>sim_file.prj</code> we want to generate a script from.</p>
<pre class="r"><code># The path to the project file you want to generate a script from
prj_path <- "your_path/sim_file.prj"
# The path you want to save the simulation files to
sim_path <- "your_sim_directory/"
# The path to your `ogs.exe` (if not already specified in `r2ogs6` options)
<p>On the other hand, if we want to generate R scripts from multiple (or all) benchmarks, we can use the wrapper function <code>ogs6_generate_benchmark_scripts()</code>. Its parameters are basically the same, only this time we supply it with a directory path instead of a <code>.prj</code> path to start from.</p>
<p>You can download the benchmarks (or the subfolder you need) from <a href="https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs/-/tree/master/Tests/Data">here</a> and then set <code>path</code> to their location on your system.</p>
<pre class="r"><code># The path to the directory you want to generate R scripts from
path <- "your_benchmark_path/"
# The path you want to save the simulation files to
sim_path <- "your_sim_directory/"
# The path you want your benchmark scripts to be saved to
# Optional: Use if you want to start from a specific `.prj` file
starting_from_prj_path <- ""
# Optional: Use if you want to skip specific `.prj` files
skip_prj_paths <- character()
# Optional: Use if you want to skip specific `.prj` files
skip_prj_paths <- character()
# Optional: Use if you want to restrict scripting to specific `.prj` files
only_prj_files <- character()</code></pre>
<p>And we’re set! Note that <code>ogs6_generate_benchmark_scripts()</code> will reconstruct the structure of the folder your benchmarks are stored in, e. g. if there’s a file <code>path/a/file.prj</code>, you will find the corresponding R script in <code>sim_path/a/file.R</code>.</p>
<p>With this, we can generate scripts from all benchmarks in a single call. Of course you can modify <code>path</code> to your liking if you’re only interested in generating scripts from certain subfolders.</p>
<p>Furthermore, you can restrict the script generation to benchmarks that used as test in OGS 6.</p>
<pre class="r"><code># extract *.prj files that are used as tests
<p>NOTE: New benchmarks and <code>.prj</code> parameters are constantly being added to OGS6. If a benchmark contains parameters that have not been added to <code>r2ogs6</code> yet, the script generation functions will not work. If this is the case, they will be skipped and the original error message will be displayed in the console.</p>