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  •  * Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
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    #include "MeshLib/IO/VtkIO/VtuInterface.h"
    #include "NumLib/DOF/ComputeSparsityPattern.h"
    Christoph Lehmann's avatar
    Christoph Lehmann committed
    #include "NumLib/ODESolver/ODESystem.h"
    #include "NumLib/ODESolver/TimeDiscretization.h"
    #include "NumLib/ODESolver/NonlinearSolver.h"
    #include "DirichletBc.h"
    #include "NeumannBc.h"
    #include "NeumannBcAssembler.h"
    #include "Parameter.h"
    #include "ProcessOutput.h"
    #include "ProcessVariable.h"
    #include "UniformDirichletBoundaryCondition.h"
    namespace MeshLib
    class Mesh;
    template <typename GlobalSetup>
            : public NumLib::ODESystem<typename GlobalSetup::MatrixType,
                                       typename GlobalSetup::VectorType,
                                       // TODO: later on use a simpler ODE system
        using GlobalVector = typename GlobalSetup::VectorType;
        using GlobalMatrix = typename GlobalSetup::MatrixType;
        using Index = typename GlobalMatrix::IndexType;
        using NonlinearSolver = NumLib::NonlinearSolverBase<GlobalMatrix, GlobalVector>;
        using TimeDiscretization = NumLib::TimeDiscretization<GlobalVector>;
            MeshLib::Mesh& mesh,
            NonlinearSolver& nonlinear_solver,
            std::unique_ptr<TimeDiscretization>&& time_discretization,
            std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<ProcessVariable>>&& process_variables,
            SecondaryVariableCollection<GlobalVector>&& secondary_variables,
            ProcessOutput<GlobalVector>&& process_output
            : _mesh(mesh)
            , _secondary_variables(std::move(secondary_variables))
            , _process_output(std::move(process_output))
            , _nonlinear_solver(nonlinear_solver)
            , _time_discretization(std::move(time_discretization))
            , _process_variables(std::move(process_variables))
        /// Preprocessing before starting assembly for new timestep.
        virtual void preTimestep(GlobalVector const& /*x*/,
                                 const double /*t*/, const double /*delta_t*/) {}
        /// Postprocessing after a complete timestep.
        virtual void postTimestep(GlobalVector const& /*x*/) {}
        /// Process output.
        /// The file_name is indicating the name of possible output file.
        void output(std::string const& file_name,
                    const unsigned /*timestep*/,
                    GlobalVector const& x) const
            doProcessOutput(file_name, x, _mesh, *_local_to_global_index_map,
                            _process_variables, _secondary_variables, _process_output);
        void initialize()
            DBUG("Initialize process.");
            DBUG("Construct dof mappings.");
            DBUG("Compute sparsity pattern");
            initializeConcreteProcess(*_local_to_global_index_map, _mesh,
            DBUG("Initialize boundary conditions.");
            // TODO That will only work with single component process variables!
            for (std::size_t global_component_id=0;
                auto& pv = _process_variables[global_component_id];
                createDirichletBcs(pv, global_component_id);
                createNeumannBcs(pv, global_component_id);
            for (auto& bc : _neumann_bcs)
        void setInitialConditions(GlobalVector& x)
            DBUG("Set initial conditions.");
            // TODO That will only work with single component process variables!
            for (std::size_t global_component_id=0;
                auto& pv = _process_variables[global_component_id];
                setInitialConditions(pv, global_component_id, x);
        MathLib::MatrixSpecifications getMatrixSpecifications() const override final
            return { 0u, 0u,
                     &_mesh };
        void assemble(const double t, GlobalVector const& x,
                      GlobalMatrix& M, GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b) override final
            assembleConcreteProcess(t, x, M, K, b);
            // Call global assembler for each Neumann boundary local assembler.
            for (auto const& bc : _neumann_bcs)
                bc->integrate(t, b);
        void assembleJacobian(
            const double t, GlobalVector const& x, GlobalVector const& xdot,
            const double dxdot_dx, GlobalMatrix const& M,
            const double dx_dx, GlobalMatrix const& K,
            GlobalMatrix& Jac) override final
            assembleJacobianConcreteProcess(t, x, xdot, dxdot_dx, M, dx_dx, K, Jac);
            // TODO In this method one could check if the user wants to use an
            //      analytical or a numerical Jacobian. Then the right
            //      assembleJacobianConcreteProcess() method will be chosen.
            //      Additionally in the default implementation of said method one
            //      could provide a fallback to a numerical Jacobian. However, that
            //      would be in a sense implicit behaviour and it might be better to
            //      just abort, as is currently the case.
            //      In order to implement the Jacobian assembly entirely, in addition
            //      to the operator() in VectorMatrixAssembler there has to be a method
            //      that dispatches the Jacobian assembly.
            //      Similarly, then the NeumannBC specialization of VectorMatrixAssembler
            //      probably can be merged into the main class s.t. one has only one
            //      type of VectorMatrixAssembler (for each equation type) with the
            //      three methods assemble(), assembleJacobian() and assembleNeumannBC().
            //      That list can be extended, e.g. by methods for the assembly of
            //      source terms.
            //      UPDATE: Probably it is better to keep a separate NeumannBC version of the
            //      VectoMatrixAssembler since that will work for all kinds of processes.
        std::vector<DirichletBc<Index>> const* getKnownSolutions(
            double const /*t*/) const override final
            return &_dirichlet_bcs;
        NonlinearSolver& getNonlinearSolver() const
            return _nonlinear_solver;
        TimeDiscretization& getTimeDiscretization() const
            return *_time_discretization;
        /// Process specific initialization called by initialize().
        virtual void initializeConcreteProcess(
            NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
            MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh,
            unsigned const integration_order) = 0;
        virtual void assembleConcreteProcess(
            const double t, GlobalVector const& x,
            GlobalMatrix& M, GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b) = 0;
        virtual void assembleJacobianConcreteProcess(
            const double /*t*/, GlobalVector const& /*x*/, GlobalVector const& /*xdot*/,
            const double /*dxdot_dx*/, GlobalMatrix const& /*M*/,
            const double /*dx_dx*/, GlobalMatrix const& /*K*/,
            GlobalMatrix& /*Jac*/)
            ERR("The concrete implementation of this Process did not override the"
                " assembleJacobianConcreteProcess() method."
                " Hence, no analytical Jacobian is provided for this process"
                " and the Newton-Raphson method cannot be used to solve it.");
        void constructDofTable()
            // Create single component dof in every of the mesh's nodes.
                new MeshLib::MeshSubset(_mesh, &_mesh.getNodes()));
            // Collect the mesh subsets in a vector.
            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::MeshSubsets>> all_mesh_subsets;
            for (ProcessVariable const& pv : _process_variables)
                        return std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::MeshSubsets>{
                            new MeshLib::MeshSubsets{_mesh_subset_all_nodes.get()}};
                new NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap(
        /// Sets the initial condition values in the solution vector x for a given
        /// process variable and component.
        void setInitialConditions(ProcessVariable const& variable,
                                  int const component_id,
                                  GlobalVector& x)
            std::size_t const n_nodes = _mesh.getNNodes();
            for (std::size_t node_id = 0; node_id < n_nodes; ++node_id)
                MeshLib::Location const l(_mesh.getID(),
                                          MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, node_id);
                auto global_index = std::abs(
                    _local_to_global_index_map->getGlobalIndex(l, component_id));
                // The global indices of the ghost entries of the global
                // matrix or the global vectors need to be set as negative values
                // for equation assembly, however the global indices start from zero.
                // Therefore, any ghost entry with zero index is assigned an negative
                // value of the vector size or the matrix dimension.
                // To assign the initial value for the ghost entries,
                // the negative indices of the ghost entries are restored to zero.
                // checked hereby.
                if ( global_index == x.size() )
                    global_index = 0;
        void createDirichletBcs(ProcessVariable& variable, int const component_id)
            MeshGeoToolsLib::MeshNodeSearcher& mesh_node_searcher =
        void createNeumannBcs(ProcessVariable& variable, int const component_id)
            // Find mesh nodes.
            MeshGeoToolsLib::MeshNodeSearcher& mesh_node_searcher =
            MeshGeoToolsLib::BoundaryElementsSearcher mesh_element_searcher(
                variable.getMesh(), mesh_node_searcher);
            // Create a neumann BC for the process variable storing them in the
            // _neumann_bcs vector.
                                      0,  // 0 is the variable id TODO
        /// Computes and stores global matrix' sparsity pattern from given
        /// DOF-table.
        void computeSparsityPattern()
            _sparsity_pattern = std::move(NumLib::computeSparsityPattern(
                *_local_to_global_index_map, _mesh));
        MeshLib::Mesh& _mesh;
        std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::MeshSubset const> _mesh_subset_all_nodes;
        SecondaryVariableCollection<GlobalVector> _secondary_variables;
        ProcessOutput<GlobalVector> _process_output;
        unsigned const _integration_order = 2;
        GlobalSparsityPattern _sparsity_pattern;
        std::vector<DirichletBc<GlobalIndexType>> _dirichlet_bcs;
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NeumannBc<GlobalSetup>>> _neumann_bcs;
        NonlinearSolver& _nonlinear_solver;
        std::unique_ptr<TimeDiscretization> _time_discretization;
        /// Variables used by this process.
        std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<ProcessVariable>> _process_variables;
    /// Find process variables in \c variables whose names match the settings under
    /// the given \c tag_names in the \c process_config.
    /// In the process config a process variable is referenced by a name. For
    /// example it will be looking for a variable named "H" in the list of process
    /// variables when the tag is "hydraulic_head":
    /// \code
    ///     <process>
    ///         ...
    ///         <process_variables>
    ///             <hydraulic_head>H</hydraulic_head>
    ///             ...
    ///         </process_variables>
    ///         ...
    ///     </process>
    /// \endcode
    /// \return a vector of references to the found variable(s).
            std::vector<ProcessVariable> const& variables,
            BaseLib::ConfigTree const& process_config,
            std::initializer_list<std::string> tag_names);
    /// Find a parameter of specific type for a name given in the process
    /// configuration under the tag.
    /// In the process config a parameter is referenced by a name. For example it
    /// will be looking for a parameter named "K" in the list of parameters
    /// when the tag is "hydraulic_conductivity":
    /// \code
    ///     <process>
    ///         ...
    ///         <hydraulic_conductivity>K</hydraulic_conductivity>
    ///     </process>
    /// \endcode
    /// and return a reference to that parameter. Additionally it checks for the
    /// type of the found parameter.
    template <typename... ParameterArgs>
    Parameter<ParameterArgs...>& findParameter(
        BaseLib::ConfigTree const& process_config, std::string const& tag,
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ParameterBase>> const& parameters)
        // Find parameter name in process config.
        auto const name = process_config.getConfParam<std::string>(tag);
        // Find corresponding parameter by name.
        auto const parameter_it =
            std::find_if(parameters.cbegin(), parameters.cend(),
                         [&name](std::unique_ptr<ParameterBase> const& p)
                             return p->name == name;
        if (parameter_it == parameters.end())
                "Could not find parameter '%s' in the provided parameters list for "
                "config tag <%s>.",
                name.c_str(), tag.c_str());
        DBUG("Found parameter \'%s\'.", (*parameter_it)->name.c_str());
        // Check the type correctness of the found parameter.
        auto* const parameter =
        if (!parameter)
            ERR("The read parameter is of incompatible type.");
        return *parameter;
    }  // namespace ProcessLib
    #endif  // PROCESS_LIB_PROCESS_H_