Karsten Rink
* \file moveMeshNodes.cpp
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include "Applications/ApplicationsLib/LogogSetup.h"
#include "GeoLib/AABB.h"
#include "MeshLib/IO/readMeshFromFile.h"
#include "MeshLib/IO/writeMeshToFile.h"
#include "MeshLib/Mesh.h"
#include "MeshLib/Node.h"
#include "MathLib/MathTools.h"
int find_closest_point(MeshLib::Node const*const point, std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> const& nodes, double const& max_dist)
const std::size_t nNodes (nodes.size());
double sqr_shortest_dist (max_dist*2);
int idx = (sqr_shortest_dist<max_dist) ? 0 : -1;
const MeshLib::Node p (*point);
for (unsigned i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
double sqr_dist ((p[0]-(*nodes[i])[0])*(p[0]-(*nodes[i])[0]));
if (sqr_dist < max_dist)
sqr_dist += ((p[1]-(*nodes[i])[1])*(p[1]-(*nodes[i])[1]));
if (sqr_dist < max_dist && sqr_dist < sqr_shortest_dist)
sqr_shortest_dist = sqr_dist;
idx = i;
return idx;
bool containsPoint(MeshLib::Node const& pnt, MathLib::Point3d const& min,
if (pnt[0] < min[0] || max[0] < pnt[0]) return false;
if (pnt[1] < min[1] || max[1] < pnt[1]) return false;
return true;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
ApplicationsLib::LogogSetup logog_setup;
std::vector<std::string> keywords;
if (argc < 3)
"Moves mesh nodes and connected elements either by a given value "
"or based on a list.\n");
INFO("Usage: %s <msh-file.msh> <keyword> [<value1>] [<value2>]",
INFO("Available keywords:");
"\t-ALL <value1> <value2> : changes the elevation of all mesh "
"nodes by <value2> in direction <value1> [x,y,z].");
"\t-MESH <value1> <value2> : changes the elevation of mesh nodes "
"based on a second mesh <value1> with a search range of <value2>.");
"\t-LOWPASS : applies a lowpass filter over node elevation using "
"directly connected nodes.");
const std::string msh_name(argv[1]);
const std::string current_key(argv[2]);
std::string const ext (BaseLib::getFileExtension(msh_name));
if (!(ext == "msh" || ext == "vtu"))
ERR("Error: Parameter 1 must be a mesh-file (*.msh / *.vtu).");
INFO("Usage: %s <msh-file.gml> <keyword> <value>", argv[0]);
for (auto & keyword : keywords)
if (
is_keyword = true;
if (!is_keyword)
ERR("Keyword not recognised. Available keywords:");
for (auto const& keyword : keywords)
INFO("\t%s", keyword.c_str());
std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> mesh (MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(msh_name));
if (mesh == nullptr)
ERR ("Error reading mesh file.");
return 1;
// Start keyword-specific selection of nodes
// moves the elevation of all nodes by value
if ("-ALL")==0)
if (argc < 5)
ERR("Missing parameter...");
const std::string dir(argv[3]);
unsigned idx = ("x") == 0) ? 0 : ("y") == 0) ? 1 : 2;
const double value(strtod(argv[4],0));
INFO("Moving all mesh nodes by %g in direction %d (%s)...", value, idx,
const std::size_t nNodes(mesh->getNumberOfNodes());
std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> nodes (mesh->getNodes());
for (std::size_t i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
(*nodes[i])[idx] += value;
// maps the elevation of mesh nodes according to a ground truth mesh whenever nodes exist within max_dist
if ("-MESH")==0)
if (argc < 5)
ERR("Missing parameter...");
const std::string value (argv[3]);
double max_dist(pow(strtod(argv[4],0), 2));
double offset (0.0); // additional offset for elevation (should be 0)
std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> ground_truth (MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(value));
const std::vector<MeshLib::Node*>& ground_truth_nodes (ground_truth->getNodes());
GeoLib::AABB bounding_box(ground_truth_nodes.begin(), ground_truth_nodes.end());
MathLib::Point3d const& min(bounding_box.getMinPoint());
MathLib::Point3d const& max(bounding_box.getMaxPoint());
const std::size_t nNodes(mesh->getNumberOfNodes());
std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> nodes (mesh->getNodes());
for (std::size_t i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
bool is_inside (containsPoint(*nodes[i], min, max));
if (is_inside)
int idx = find_closest_point(nodes[i], ground_truth_nodes, max_dist);
if (idx>=0)
(*nodes[i])[2] = (*(ground_truth_nodes[idx]))[2]-offset;
// a simple lowpass filter for the elevation of mesh nodes using the elevation of each node
// weighted by 2 and the elevation of each connected node weighted by 1
if ("-LOWPASS")==0)
const std::size_t nNodes(mesh->getNumberOfNodes());
std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> nodes (mesh->getNodes());
std::vector<double> elevation(nNodes);
for (std::size_t i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
elevation[i] = (*nodes[i])[2];
for (std::size_t i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
const std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> conn_nodes (nodes[i]->getConnectedNodes());
const unsigned nConnNodes (conn_nodes.size());
elevation[i] = (2*(*nodes[i])[2]);
for (std::size_t j=0; j<nConnNodes; ++j)
elevation[i] += (*conn_nodes[j])[2];
elevation[i] /= (nConnNodes+2);
for (std::size_t i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
(*nodes[i])[2] = elevation[i];
/**** add other keywords here ****/
std::string const new_mesh_name (msh_name.substr(0, msh_name.length() - 4) + "_new.vtu");
if (MeshLib::IO::writeMeshToFile(*mesh, new_mesh_name) != 0)
INFO ("Result successfully written.")