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Commit 4265da68 authored by Dmitri Naumov's avatar Dmitri Naumov
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[Mat] ViscoElasticBurgers model implementation.

parent f500d1df
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Visco elastic material model based on Burgers' rheological model. Viscosities
and Kelvin shear modulus are stress dependent according to LUBBY2
model. Heusermann 1983.
Parameter characterizing the stress dependence of the Kelvin shear modulus.
Parameter characterizing the stress dependence of the Kelvin shear viscosity.
Parameter characterizing the stress dependence of the Maxwell shear viscosity.
Initial shear modulus of the Kelvin element in the Lubby2 model.
Initial shear viscosity of the Kelvin element in the Lubby2 model.
Bulk modulus of the Maxwell element in the Lubby2 model.
Shear modulus of the Maxwell element in the Lubby2 model.
Initial shear viscosity of the Maxwell element in the Lubby2 model.
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include <logog/include/logog.hpp>
#include "Lubby2.h"
#include "MechanicsBase.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Utils/ProcessUtils.h" // required for findParameter
namespace MaterialLib
namespace Solids
template <int DisplacementDim>
std::unique_ptr<MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>> createLubby2(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProcessLib::ParameterBase>> const& parameters,
BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config)
config.checkConfigParameter("type", "Lubby2");
DBUG("Create Lubby2 material");
// Kelvin shear modulus.
auto& kelvin_shear_modulus = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "kelvin_shear_modulus", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as kelvin shear modulus parameter.",;
// Kelvin viscosity.
auto& kelvin_viscosity = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "kelvin_viscosity", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as kelvin viscosity parameter.",;
// Maxwell shear modulus.
auto& maxwell_shear_modulus = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "maxwell_shear_modulus", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as maxwell shear modulus parameter.",;
// Maxwell bulk modulus.
auto& maxwell_bulk_modulus = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "maxwell_bulk_modulus", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as maxwell bulk modulus parameter.",;
// Maxwell viscosity.
auto& maxwell_viscosity = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "maxwell_viscosity", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as maxwell viscosity parameter.",;
// Dependency parameter for mK.
auto& dependency_parameter_mK = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "dependency_parameter_mk", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as dependency parameter mK.",;
// Dependency parameter for mvK.
auto& dependency_parameter_mvK = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "dependency_parameter_mvk", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as dependency parameter mvK.",;
// Dependency parameter for mvM.
auto& dependency_parameter_mvM = ProcessLib::findParameter<double>(
config, "dependency_parameter_mvm", parameters, 1);
DBUG("Use '%s' as dependency parameter mvM.",;
typename Lubby2<DisplacementDim>::MaterialProperties mp{
kelvin_shear_modulus, maxwell_shear_modulus,
maxwell_bulk_modulus, kelvin_viscosity,
maxwell_viscosity, dependency_parameter_mK,
dependency_parameter_mvK, dependency_parameter_mvM};
return std::unique_ptr<MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>>{
new Lubby2<DisplacementDim>{mp}};
} // namespace Solids
} // namespace MaterialLib
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include "NewtonRaphson.h"
namespace MaterialLib
namespace Solids
template <int DisplacementDim>
void Lubby2<DisplacementDim>::computeConstitutiveRelation(
double const t,
ProcessLib::SpatialPosition const& x,
double const dt,
KelvinVector const& /*eps_prev*/,
KelvinVector const& eps,
KelvinVector const& /*sigma_prev*/,
KelvinVector& sigma,
KelvinMatrix& C,
typename MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>::MaterialStateVariables&
using Invariants = MaterialLib::SolidModels::Invariants<KelvinVectorSize>;
assert(dynamic_cast<MaterialStateVariables*>(&material_state_variables) !=
MaterialStateVariables& state =
// calculation of deviatoric parts
auto const& P_dev = Invariants::deviatoric_projection;
KelvinVector const epsd_i = P_dev * eps;
// initial guess as elastic predictor
KelvinVector sigd_j = 2.0 * (epsd_i - state.eps_M_t - state.eps_K_t);
// Calculate effective stress and update material properties
double sig_eff = Invariants::equivalentStress(sigd_j);
updateBurgersProperties(t, x, sig_eff * state.GM, state);
using LocalJacobianMatrix =
Eigen::Matrix<double, KelvinVectorSize * 3, KelvinVectorSize * 3,
// Linear solver for the newton loop is required after the loop with the
// same matrix. This saves one decomposition.
Eigen::PartialPivLU<LocalJacobianMatrix> linear_solver(KelvinVectorSize *
// Different solvers are available for the solution of the local system.
// TODO Make the following choice of linear solvers available from the
// input file configuration:
// K_loc.partialPivLu().solve(-res_loc);
// K_loc.fullPivLu().solve(-res_loc);
// K_loc.householderQr().solve(-res_loc);
// K_loc.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(res_loc);
// K_loc.fullPivHouseholderQr().solve(-res_loc);
// K_loc.llt().solve(-res_loc);
// K_loc.ldlt().solve(-res_loc);
{ // Local Newton solver
using LocalResidualVector =
Eigen::Matrix<double, KelvinVectorSize * 3, 1>;
LocalJacobianMatrix K_loc;
auto const update_residual = [&](LocalResidualVector& residual) {
calculateResidualBurgers(dt, epsd_i, sigd_j, state.eps_K_j,
state.eps_K_t, state.eps_M_j,
state.eps_M_t, residual, state);
auto const update_jacobian = [&](LocalJacobianMatrix& jacobian) {
t, x, dt, jacobian, sig_eff, sigd_j, state.eps_K_j,
state); // for solution dependent Jacobians
auto const update_solution = [&](LocalResidualVector const& increment) {
// increment solution vectors
sigd_j.noalias() += increment.template block<KelvinVectorSize, 1>(
KelvinVectorSize * 0, 0);
state.eps_K_j.noalias() +=
increment.template block<KelvinVectorSize, 1>(
KelvinVectorSize * 1, 0);
state.eps_M_j.noalias() +=
increment.template block<KelvinVectorSize, 1>(
KelvinVectorSize * 2, 0);
// Calculate effective stress and update material properties
sig_eff = MaterialLib::SolidModels::Invariants<
updateBurgersProperties(t, x, sig_eff * state.GM, state);
// TODO Make the following choice of maximum iterations and convergence
// criteria available from the input file configuration:
const int maximum_iterations(20);
const double tolerance(1.e-10);
auto newton_solver =
NewtonRaphson<decltype(linear_solver), LocalJacobianMatrix,
decltype(update_jacobian), LocalResidualVector,
decltype(update_residual), decltype(update_solution)>(
linear_solver, update_jacobian, update_residual,
update_solution, maximum_iterations, tolerance);
auto const success_iterations = newton_solver.solve(K_loc);
if (!success_iterations)
OGS_FATAL("The local Newton method did not succeed.");
// If the Newton loop didn't run, the linear solver will not be
// initialized.
// This happens usually for the first iteration of the first timestep.
if (*success_iterations == 0)
// Hydrostatic part for the stress and the tangent.
double const eps_i_trace = Invariants::trace(eps);
sigma.noalias() =
state.GM * sigd_j + state.KM * eps_i_trace * Invariants::identity2;
// Calculate dGdE for time step
Eigen::Matrix<double, KelvinVectorSize * 3, KelvinVectorSize,
Eigen::RowMajor> const dGdE = calculatedGdEBurgers();
// Consistent tangent from local Newton iteration of material
// functionals.
// Only the upper left block is relevant for the global tangent.
auto dzdE = linear_solver.solve(-dGdE)
.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(0, 0);
auto const& P_sph = Invariants::spherical_projection;
C.noalias() = state.GM * dzdE * P_dev + 3. * state.KM * P_sph;
template <int DisplacementDim>
void Lubby2<DisplacementDim>::updateBurgersProperties(
double const t,
ProcessLib::SpatialPosition const& x,
double s_eff,
MaterialStateVariables& state)
state.GM = _mp.GM0(t, x)[0];
state.KM = _mp.KM0(t, x)[0];
state.GK = _mp.GK0(t, x)[0] * std::exp(_mp.mK(t, x)[0] * s_eff);
state.etaK = _mp.etaK0(t, x)[0] * std::exp(_mp.mvK(t, x)[0] * s_eff);
state.etaM = _mp.etaM0(t, x)[0] * std::exp(_mp.mvM(t, x)[0] * s_eff);
template <int DisplacementDim>
void Lubby2<DisplacementDim>::calculateResidualBurgers(
const double dt,
const KelvinVector& strain_curr,
const KelvinVector& stress_curr,
KelvinVector& strain_Kel_curr,
const KelvinVector& strain_Kel_t,
KelvinVector& strain_Max_curr,
const KelvinVector& strain_Max_t,
ResidualVector& res,
MaterialStateVariables const& state)
// calculate stress residual
res.template block<KelvinVectorSize, 1>(0, 0).noalias() =
stress_curr - 2. * (strain_curr - strain_Kel_curr - strain_Max_curr);
// calculate Kelvin strain residual
res.template block<KelvinVectorSize, 1>(KelvinVectorSize, 0).noalias() =
1. / dt * (strain_Kel_curr - strain_Kel_t) -
1. / (2. * state.etaK) *
(state.GM * stress_curr - 2. * state.GK * strain_Kel_curr);
// calculate Maxwell strain residual
res.template block<KelvinVectorSize, 1>(2 * KelvinVectorSize, 0).noalias() =
1. / dt * (strain_Max_curr - strain_Max_t) -
0.5 * state.GM / state.etaM * stress_curr;
template <int DisplacementDim>
void Lubby2<DisplacementDim>::calculateJacobianBurgers(
double const t,
ProcessLib::SpatialPosition const& x,
const double dt,
JacobianMatrix& Jac,
double s_eff,
const KelvinVector& sig_i,
const KelvinVector& eps_K_i,
MaterialStateVariables const& state)
// build G_11
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(0, 0).setIdentity();
// build G_12
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(0, KelvinVectorSize)
// build G_13
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(0,
2 * KelvinVectorSize)
// build G_21
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(KelvinVectorSize, 0)
.noalias() = -0.5 * state.GM / state.etaK * KelvinMatrix::Identity();
if (s_eff > 0.)
KelvinVector const eps_K_aid =
1. / (state.etaK * state.etaK) *
(state.GM * sig_i - 2. * state.GK * eps_K_i);
KelvinVector const dG_K =
1.5 * _mp.mK(t, x)[0] * state.GK * state.GM / s_eff * sig_i;
KelvinVector const dmu_vK =
1.5 * _mp.mvK(t, x)[0] * state.GM * state.etaK / s_eff * sig_i;
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(KelvinVectorSize,
.noalias() += 0.5 * eps_K_aid * dmu_vK.transpose() +
1. / state.etaK * eps_K_i * dG_K.transpose();
// build G_22
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(KelvinVectorSize,
.setConstant(1. / dt + state.GK / state.etaK);
// nothing to do for G_23
// build G_31
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(2 * KelvinVectorSize,
.noalias() = -0.5 * state.GM / state.etaM * KelvinMatrix::Identity();
if (s_eff > 0.)
KelvinVector const dmu_vM =
1.5 * _mp.mvM(t, x)[0] * state.GM * state.etaM / s_eff * sig_i;
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(
2 * KelvinVectorSize, 0)
.noalias() += 0.5 * state.GM / (state.etaM * state.etaM) * sig_i *
// nothing to do for G_32
// build G_33
Jac.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(2 * KelvinVectorSize,
2 * KelvinVectorSize)
.setConstant(1. / dt);
} // namespace Solids
} // namespace MaterialLib
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include "Lubby2.h"
namespace MaterialLib
namespace Solids
template class Lubby2<2>;
template class Lubby2<3>;
} // namespace Solids
} // namespace MaterialLib
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include <logog/include/logog.hpp>
#include "BaseLib/Error.h"
#include "KelvinVector.h"
#include "MechanicsBase.h"
namespace MaterialLib
namespace Solids
template <int DisplacementDim>
class Lubby2 final : public MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>
// Variables specific to the material model.
struct MaterialProperties
using P = ProcessLib::Parameter<double>;
MaterialProperties(P const& GK0_,
P const& GM0_,
P const& KM0_,
P const& etaK0_,
P const& etaM0_,
P const& mK_,
P const& mvK_,
P const& mvM_)
: GK0(GK0_),
// basic material parameters
P const& GK0;
P const& GM0;
P const& KM0;
P const& etaK0;
P const& etaM0;
P const& mK;
P const& mvK;
P const& mvM;
struct MaterialStateVariables
: public MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>::MaterialStateVariables
void pushBackState() override
eps_K_t = eps_K_j;
eps_M_t = eps_M_j;
using KelvinVector = ProcessLib::KelvinVectorType<DisplacementDim>;
using KelvinMatrix = ProcessLib::KelvinMatrixType<DisplacementDim>;
/// Deviatoric strain in the viscous kelvin element during the current
/// iteration
KelvinVector eps_K_t;
KelvinVector eps_K_j;
/// Deviatoric strain in the viscous maxwell element during the current
/// iteration
KelvinVector eps_M_t;
KelvinVector eps_M_j;
// solution dependent values
double GM;
double KM;
double GK;
double etaK;
double etaM;
typename MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>::MaterialStateVariables>
createMaterialStateVariables() override
return std::unique_ptr<
typename MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>::MaterialStateVariables>{
new MaterialStateVariables};
static int const KelvinVectorSize =
using KelvinVector = ProcessLib::KelvinVectorType<DisplacementDim>;
using KelvinMatrix = ProcessLib::KelvinMatrixType<DisplacementDim>;
static int const JacobianResidualSize =
3 * KelvinVectorSize; // Three is the number of components in the
// jacobian/residual, not the space dimension.
using ResidualVector = Eigen::Matrix<double, JacobianResidualSize, 1>;
using JacobianMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<double,
explicit Lubby2(MaterialProperties& material_properties)
: _mp(material_properties)
void computeConstitutiveRelation(
double const t,
ProcessLib::SpatialPosition const& x_position,
double const dt,
KelvinVector const& eps_prev,
KelvinVector const& eps,
KelvinVector const& sigma_prev,
KelvinVector& sigma,
KelvinMatrix& C,
typename MechanicsBase<DisplacementDim>::MaterialStateVariables&
material_state_variables) override;
/// Updates Burgers material parameters in LUBBY2 fashion.
void updateBurgersProperties(double const t,
ProcessLib::SpatialPosition const& x,
double const s_eff,
MaterialStateVariables& _state);
/// Calculates the 18x1 residual vector.
void calculateResidualBurgers(double const dt,
const KelvinVector& strain_curr,
const KelvinVector& stress_curr,
KelvinVector& strain_Kel_curr,
const KelvinVector& strain_Kel_t,
KelvinVector& strain_Max_curr,
const KelvinVector& strain_Max_t,
ResidualVector& res,
MaterialStateVariables const& _state);
/// Calculates the 18x18 Jacobian.
void calculateJacobianBurgers(double const t,
ProcessLib::SpatialPosition const& x,
double const dt,
JacobianMatrix& Jac,
double s_eff,
const KelvinVector& sig_i,
const KelvinVector& eps_K_i,
MaterialStateVariables const& _state);
/// Calculates the 18x6 derivative of the residuals with respect to total
/// strain.
/// Function definition can not be moved into implementation because of a
/// MSVC compiler errors. See
/// and
Matrix<double, JacobianResidualSize, KelvinVectorSize, Eigen::RowMajor>
calculatedGdEBurgers() const
dGdE.template block<KelvinVectorSize, KelvinVectorSize>(0, 0)
return dGdE;
MaterialProperties _mp;
extern template class Lubby2<2>;
extern template class Lubby2<3>;
} // namespace Solids
} // namespace MaterialLib
#include "Lubby2-impl.h"
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