Website Visgroup
Getting started for development
- Install hugo (extended edition)
- Pull this repository
- Open the terminal and navigate into the folder "visgroup"
- Start the built-in live server via "hugo server"
- Use a browser to open the page specified in the server's output
To add, edit or remove a publication from the website do the following:
- Edit the file "publications.bib" in the folder "visgroup\data"
- Make sure that the .bib file entries are sorted by date, starting with the most recent publication.
- Convert the bibfile to BibJson format, using for example this tool
- Replace the file "publications.json" and ... that's it!
Note: If you get the server error "Unmarshal failed", it might be necessary to manually set the encoding of the json-file to UTF-8.
Authors and acknowledgment
Design: Melanie Althaus
Implementation: Nico Graebling
Project status
in development