* @file Raster.h
* @author Thomas Fischer
* @date 2011-09-07
* @copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
namespace GeoLib {
/// Contains the relevant information when storing a geoscientific raster data
struct RasterHeader
std::size_t n_cols; // width
std::size_t n_rows; // height
std::size_t n_depth; // depth (for 3d image)
MathLib::Point3d origin; // lower left corner
double cell_size; // edge length of each pixel
double no_data; // no data value
* @brief Class Raster is used for managing raster data.
* A raster consists of the meta data like number of columns and rows, the lower
* left point, the size of a raster pixel and a value for invalid data pixels.
* Additional the object needs the raster data itself. The raster data will be
* copied from the constructor. The destructor will release the memory.
class Raster {
using const_iterator = const double*;
using iterator = double*;
* @brief Constructor for an object of class Raster. The raster data have
* to be handed over via input iterators. Deploying iterators has the
* advantage that the use of the class is independent from the input
* container.
* @param header meta-information about the raster (height, width, etc.)
* @param begin input iterator pointing to the first element of the data
* @param end input iterator pointing to the last element of the data, end have to be reachable from begin
template <typename InputIterator>
Raster(RasterHeader header, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
: _header(std::move(header)),
_raster_data(new double[_header.n_cols * _header.n_rows])
Raster(Raster const&) = delete;
Raster(Raster&&) = delete;
Raster& operator=(Raster const&) = delete;
Raster& operator=(Raster&&) = delete;
/// Returns the complete header information
RasterHeader const& getHeader() const { return _header; }
* Refine the raster using scaling as a refinement parameter.
void refineRaster(std::size_t scaling);
* Constant iterator that is pointing to the first raster pixel value.
* @return constant iterator
const_iterator begin() const { return _raster_data; }
* Constant iterator that is pointing to the last raster pixel value.
* @return constant iterator
const_iterator end() const { return _raster_data + _header.n_rows*_header.n_cols; }
* Returns the raster value at the position of the given point.
double getValueAtPoint(const MathLib::Point3d &pnt) const;
/// Interpolates the elevation of the given point based on the 8-neighbourhood of the raster cell it is located on
double interpolateValueAtPoint(const MathLib::Point3d &pnt) const;
/// Checks if the given point is located within the (x,y)-extension of the raster.
bool isPntOnRaster(MathLib::Point3d const& pnt) const;
void setCellSize(double cell_size);
void setNoDataVal (double no_data_val);
GeoLib::RasterHeader _header;
double* _raster_data;