* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
namespace BaseLib
class ConfigTree;
//! \addtogroup ExternalODESolverInterface
//! @{
/*! ODE solver interfacing with Sundials' CVode.
* All methods of this class have the same semantics as methods from the
* ODESolver interface with the same name.
* There is no implicit information about vector and matrix sizes in this class
* anymore, rather this class only handles raw pointers. But this is exactly
* what is necessary when using C libraries like Sundials.
* \note
* This class is for internal use only. Therefore all members of this class are
* protected, namely because ConcreteODESolver derives from this class.
//! Construct from the given \c config with storage allocated for the given
//! \c num_equations.
CVodeSolver(BaseLib::ConfigTree const& config,
unsigned const num_equations);
void setTolerance(double const* const abstol, const double reltol);
void setTolerance(const double abstol, const double reltol);
void setFunction(std::unique_ptr<detail::FunctionHandles>&& f);
void setIC(const double t0, double const* const y0);
void preSolve();
bool solve(const double t_end);
double const* getSolution() const;
double getTime() const;
void getYDot(const double t,
double const* const y,
double* const y_dot) const;
//! pimpl idiom.
std::unique_ptr<CVodeSolverImpl> _impl;
} // namespace MathLib