* Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include "EquationSystem.h"
namespace NumLib
//! \addtogroup ODESolver
//! @{
/*! A System of nonlinear equations.
* \tparam NLTag a tag indicating the method used for solving the equation.
template <NonlinearSolverTag NLTag>
class NonlinearSystem;
/*! A System of nonlinear equations to be solved with the Newton-Raphson method.
* The Newton-Raphson method will iterate the linearized equation
* \f$ \mathtt{Jac} \cdot (-\Delta x_i) = \mathtt{res} \f$.
template <>
class NonlinearSystem<NonlinearSolverTag::Newton> : public EquationSystem
//! Assembles the linearized equation system at the point \c x.
//! The linearized system is \f$A(x) \cdot x = b(x)\f$. Here the matrix
//! \f$A(x)\f$ and the vector \f$b(x)\f$ are assembled.
virtual void assemble(std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_prev,
/*! Writes the residual at point \c x to \c res.
* \pre assemble() must have been called before with the same argument \c x.
virtual void getResidual(GlobalVector const& x,
GlobalVector const& x_prev,
GlobalVector& res) const = 0;
/*! Writes the Jacobian of the residual to \c Jac.
* \pre assemble() must have been called before.
virtual void getJacobian(GlobalMatrix& Jac) const = 0;
//! Pre-compute known solutions and possibly store them internally.
virtual void computeKnownSolutions(GlobalVector const& x,
int const process_id) = 0;
//! Apply known solutions to the solution vector \c x.
//! \pre computeKnownSolutions() must have been called before.
virtual void applyKnownSolutions(GlobalVector& x) const = 0;
//! Apply known solutions to the linearized equation system
//! \f$ \mathit{Jac} \cdot (-\Delta x) = \mathit{res} \f$.
//! \pre computeKnownSolutions() must have been called before.
virtual void applyKnownSolutionsNewton(
GlobalMatrix& Jac, GlobalVector& res,
GlobalVector& minus_delta_x) const = 0;
virtual void updateConstraints(GlobalVector& /*lower*/,
GlobalVector& /*upper*/,
int /*process_id*/) = 0;
/*! A System of nonlinear equations to be solved with the Picard fixpoint
* iteration method.
* The Picard method will iterate the linearized equation
* \f$ \mathtt{A} \cdot x_i = \mathtt{rhs} \f$.
template <>
class NonlinearSystem<NonlinearSolverTag::Picard> : public EquationSystem
//! Assembles the linearized equation system at the point \c x.
//! The linearized system is \f$J(x) \cdot \Delta x = (x)\f$. Here the
//! residual vector \f$r(x)\f$ and its Jacobian \f$J(x)\f$ are assembled.
virtual void assemble(std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_prev,
//! Writes the linearized equation system matrix to \c A.
//! \pre assemble() must have been called before.
virtual void getA(GlobalMatrix& A) const = 0;
//! Writes the linearized equation system right-hand side to \c rhs.
//! \pre assemble() must have been called before.
virtual void getRhs(GlobalVector const& x_prev,
GlobalVector& rhs) const = 0;
//! Pre-compute known solutions and possibly store them internally.
virtual void computeKnownSolutions(GlobalVector const& x,
int const process_id) = 0;
//! Apply known solutions to the solution vector \c x.
//! \pre computeKnownSolutions() must have been called before.
virtual void applyKnownSolutions(GlobalVector& x) const = 0;
//! Apply known solutions to the linearized equation system
//! \f$ A \cdot x = \mathit{rhs} \f$.
//! \pre computeKnownSolutions() must have been called before.
virtual void applyKnownSolutionsPicard(GlobalMatrix& A, GlobalVector& rhs,
GlobalVector& x) const = 0;