* Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#include "MathLib/LinAlg/MatrixVectorTraits.h"
#include "EquationSystem.h"
namespace NumLib
//! \addtogroup ODESolver
//! @{
/*! ODE system interface.
* This is the interface an ODE has to implement in order to be solved with this
* ODE solver library.
* \tparam ODETag a tag indicating the type of ODE.
* \tparam NLTag a tag indicating the method used for resolving nonlinearities.
template <ODESystemTag ODETag, NonlinearSolverTag NLTag>
class ODESystem;
/*! Interface for a first-order implicit quasi-linear ODE.
* \see ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear
template <>
class ODESystem<ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear,
NonlinearSolverTag::Picard> : public EquationSystem
//! A tag indicating the type of ODE.
static const ODESystemTag ODETag =
//! Calls process' pre-assembly with the provided state (\c t, \c dt, \c x).
virtual void preAssemble(const double t, double const dt,
GlobalVector const& x) = 0;
//! Assemble \c M, \c K and \c b at the provided state (\c t, \c x).
virtual void assemble(const double t, double const dt,
std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
int const process_id, GlobalMatrix& M,
GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b) = 0;
using Index = MathLib::MatrixVectorTraits<GlobalMatrix>::Index;
//! Provides known solutions (Dirichlet boundary conditions) vector for
//! the ode system at the given time \c t and \c process_id.
virtual std::vector<NumLib::IndexValueVector<Index>> const*
getKnownSolutions(double const /*t*/, GlobalVector const& /*x*/,
int const /*process_id*/) const
return nullptr; // by default there are no known solutions
virtual void updateConstraints(GlobalVector& /*lower*/,
GlobalVector& /*upper*/,
int const /*process_id*/){};
/*! Interface for a first-order implicit quasi-linear ODE.
* ODEs using this interface also provide a Jacobian in addition
* to the functionality of the Picard-related interface.
template <>
class ODESystem<ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear,
: public ODESystem<ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear,
//! Calls process' pre-assembly with the provided state (\c t, \c dt, \c x).
void preAssemble(const double t, double const dt,
GlobalVector const& x) override = 0;
/*! Assemble \c M, \c K, \c b and the Jacobian
* \f$ \mathtt{Jac} := \partial r/\partial x_N \f$
* at the provided state (\c t, \c x).
* For the meaning of the other parameters refer to the the introductory
* remarks on
* \ref concept_time_discretization "time discretization".
* \remark
* \parblock
* The Jacobian will be generally of the following form:
* \f[ \mathtt{Jac} := \frac{\partial r(x_C, t_C)}{\partial x_N} =
* M \cdot \frac{\partial \hat x}{\partial x_N}
* + \frac{\partial M}{\partial x_N} \cdot \hat x
* + K \cdot \frac{\partial x_C}{\partial x_N}
* + \frac{\partial K}{\partial x_N} \cdot x_N
* + \frac{\partial b}{\partial x_N},
* \f]
* where \f$ M \f$, \f$ K \f$ and \f$ b \f$ are matrix-valued
* (vector-valued, respectively)
* functions that depend on \f$ x_C \f$ and \f$ t_C \f$.
* Due to the arguments provided to this method its implementation only has
* to
* compute the derivatives
* \f$ \frac{\partial M}{\partial x_N} \cdot \hat x \f$,
* \f$ \frac{\partial K}{\partial x_N} \cdot x_N \f$ and
* \f$ \frac{\partial b}{\partial x_N} \f$.
* The other terms can be readily taken from the method parameters.
* In particular for the ForwardEuler time discretization scheme the
* equation will
* collapse to
* \f$ \mathtt{Jac} =
* M \cdot \frac{\partial \hat x}{\partial x_N}
* \f$
* since in that scheme \f$ x_N \neq x_C \f$.
* Of course, the implementation of this method is allowed to compute the
* Jacobian in a
* different way, as long as that is consistent with the definition of \f$
* \mathtt{Jac} \f$.
virtual void assembleWithJacobian(const double t, double const dt,
std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& xdot,
const double dxdot_dx, const double dx_dx,
int const process_id, GlobalMatrix& M,
GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b,
GlobalMatrix& Jac) = 0;