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     * \file
     * \author Karsten Rink
     * \date   2012-09-25
     * \brief  Implementation of the GeoMapper class.
     * \copyright
     * Copyright (c) 2012-2015, OpenGeoSys Community (
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     *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
     *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
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    #include "GeoMapper.h"
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    #include <algorithm>
    #include <numeric>
    #include <logog/include/logog.hpp>
    #include "FileIO/AsciiRasterInterface.h"
    #include "FileIO/readMeshFromFile.h"
    #include "GeoLib/AABB.h"
    #include "GeoLib/AnalyticalGeometry.h"
    #include "GeoLib/GEOObjects.h"
    #include "GeoLib/Raster.h"
    #include "GeoLib/StationBorehole.h"
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    #include "MeshLib/Mesh.h"
    #include "MeshLib/Elements/Element.h"
    #include "MeshLib/Node.h"
    #include "MeshLib/MeshSurfaceExtraction.h"
    #include "MeshLib/MeshEditing/projectMeshOntoPlane.h"
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    namespace MeshGeoToolsLib {
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    GeoMapper::GeoMapper(GeoLib::GEOObjects &geo_objects, const std::string &geo_name)
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    	: _geo_objects(geo_objects), _geo_name(const_cast<std::string&>(geo_name)), _mesh(nullptr), _grid(nullptr), _raster(nullptr)
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    void GeoMapper::mapOnDEM(const std::string &file_name)
    	this->_raster = FileIO::AsciiRasterInterface::getRasterFromASCFile(file_name);
    	if (! _raster) {
    		ERR("GeoMapper::mapOnDEM(): failed to load %s", file_name.c_str());
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    void GeoMapper::mapOnMesh(const std::string &file_name)
    	MeshLib::Mesh *mesh (FileIO::readMeshFromFile(file_name));
    	delete mesh;
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    void GeoMapper::mapOnMesh(const MeshLib::Mesh* mesh)
    	if (mesh->getDimension()<3)
    		this->_mesh = new MeshLib::Mesh(*mesh);
    		this->_mesh = MeshLib::MeshSurfaceExtraction::getMeshSurface(*mesh, dir, 90);
    	MathLib::Point3d origin(std::array<double,3>{{0,0,0}});
    	MathLib::Vector3 normal(0,0,-1);
    	MeshLib::Mesh const*const flat_mesh = MeshLib::projectMeshOntoPlane(*mesh, origin, normal);
    	std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> const& flat_nodes (flat_mesh->getNodes());
    	_grid = new GeoLib::Grid<MeshLib::Node>(flat_nodes.cbegin(), flat_nodes.cend());
    	delete flat_mesh;
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    void GeoMapper::mapToConstantValue(double value)
    	std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> const* points (this->_geo_objects.getPointVec(this->_geo_name));
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    	if (points == nullptr)
    		ERR ("Geometry \"%s\" not found.", this->_geo_name.c_str());
    	std::for_each(points->begin(), points->end(), [value](GeoLib::Point* pnt){ (*pnt)[2] = value; });
    void GeoMapper::mapData()
    	const std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> *points (this->_geo_objects.getPointVec(this->_geo_name));
    	GeoLib::Station* stn_test = dynamic_cast<GeoLib::Station*>((*points)[0]);
    	bool is_borehole(false);
    	if (stn_test != nullptr && static_cast<GeoLib::StationBorehole*>((*points)[0])->type() == GeoLib::Station::StationType::BOREHOLE)
    		is_borehole = true;
    	double min_val(0), max_val(0);
    	if (_mesh)
    		GeoLib::AABB<MeshLib::Node> bounding_box (_mesh->getNodes().begin(), _mesh->getNodes().end());
    		min_val = bounding_box.getMinPoint()[2];
    		max_val = bounding_box.getMaxPoint()[2];
    	std::size_t nPoints (points->size());
    	if (!is_borehole)
    		for (unsigned j=0; j<nPoints; ++j)
    			GeoLib::Point* pnt ((*points)[j]);
    			(*pnt)[2] = (_grid) ? this->getMeshElevation((*pnt)[0],(*pnt)[1], min_val, max_val)
    				                : this->getDemElevation(*pnt);
    		for (unsigned j=0; j<nPoints; ++j)
    			GeoLib::Point* pnt ((*points)[j]);
    			double offset = (_grid) ? (this->getMeshElevation((*pnt)[0],(*pnt)[1], min_val, max_val) - (*pnt)[2])
    				                    :  this->getDemElevation(*pnt);
    			GeoLib::StationBorehole* borehole = static_cast<GeoLib::StationBorehole*>(pnt);
    			const std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> layers = borehole->getProfile();
    			std::size_t nLayers = layers.size();
    			for (unsigned k=0; k<nLayers; ++k)
    				GeoLib::Point* layer_pnt = layers[k];
    				(*layer_pnt)[2] = (*layer_pnt)[2] + offset;
    float GeoMapper::getDemElevation(GeoLib::Point const& pnt) const
    	double const elevation (_raster->getValueAtPoint(pnt));
    	if (std::abs(elevation-_raster->getNoDataValue()) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
    		return 0.0;
    	return static_cast<float>(elevation);
    double GeoMapper::getMeshElevation(double x, double y, double min_val, double max_val) const
    	const MeshLib::Node* pnt = _grid->getNearestPoint(MathLib::Point3d{{{x,y,0}}});
    	const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> elements (_mesh->getNode(pnt->getID())->getElements());
    	GeoLib::Point* intersection (nullptr);
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<elements.size(); ++i)
    		if (intersection==nullptr && elements[i]->getGeomType() != MeshLib::MeshElemType::LINE)
    			intersection=GeoLib::triangleLineIntersection(*elements[i]->getNode(0), *elements[i]->getNode(1), *elements[i]->getNode(2), GeoLib::Point(x,y,max_val), GeoLib::Point(x,y,min_val));
    		if (intersection==nullptr && elements[i]->getGeomType() == MeshLib::MeshElemType::QUAD)
    			intersection=GeoLib::triangleLineIntersection(*elements[i]->getNode(0), *elements[i]->getNode(2), *elements[i]->getNode(3), GeoLib::Point(x,y,max_val), GeoLib::Point(x,y,min_val));
    	if (intersection)
    		return (*intersection)[2];
    	// if something goes wrong, simply take the elevation of the nearest mesh node
    	return (*(_mesh->getNode(pnt->getID())))[2];
    unsigned getIndexInPntVec(GeoLib::Point const*const pnt, std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> const*const points)
    	auto it (std::find(points->begin(), points->end(), pnt));
    	return static_cast<unsigned>(std::distance(points->begin(), it));
    std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>* copyPolylinesVector(const std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*> *polylines, std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> *points)
    	std::size_t nLines = polylines->size();
    	std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*> *new_lines = new std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>(nLines);
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<nLines; ++i)
    		(*new_lines)[i] = new GeoLib::Polyline(*points);
    		std::size_t nLinePnts ((*polylines)[i]->getNumberOfPoints());
    		for (std::size_t j=0; j<nLinePnts; ++j)
    	return new_lines;
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    void GeoMapper::advancedMapOnMesh(const MeshLib::Mesh* mesh, const std::string &new_geo_name)
    	const std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> *points (this->_geo_objects.getPointVec(this->_geo_name));
    	const std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*> *org_lines (this->_geo_objects.getPolylineVec(this->_geo_name));
    	const GeoLib::AABB<GeoLib::Point> aabb(points->begin(), points->end());
    	const double eps = sqrt(std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) *
    		               sqrt( MathLib::sqrDist(aabb.getMinPoint(),aabb.getMaxPoint())) ;
    	// copy geometry (and set z=0 for all points)
    	unsigned nGeoPoints ( points->size() );
    	std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> *new_points = new std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>(nGeoPoints);
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<nGeoPoints; ++i)
    		(*new_points)[i] = new GeoLib::Point((*(*points)[i])[0],(*(*points)[i])[1],0.0);
    	std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*> *new_lines (copyPolylinesVector(this->_geo_objects.getPolylineVec(this->_geo_name), new_points));
    	GeoLib::Grid<GeoLib::Point> grid(new_points->begin(), new_points->end());
    	double max_segment_length (this->getMaxSegmentLength(*new_lines));
    	max_segment_length *= max_segment_length; // squared so it can be compared to the squared distances calculated later
    	const unsigned nMeshNodes ( mesh->getNNodes() );
    	std::vector<int> closest_geo_point(nMeshNodes); // index of closest geo point for each mesh node in (x,y)-plane
    	std::vector<double> dist(nMeshNodes);  // distance between geo points and mesh nodes in (x,y)-plane
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<nMeshNodes; ++i)
    		auto const zero_coords = GeoLib::Point((*mesh->getNode(i))[0],
    			(*mesh->getNode(i))[1], 0.0, mesh->getNode(i)->getID());
    		GeoLib::Point* pnt = grid.getNearestPoint(zero_coords);
    		dist[i] = MathLib::sqrDist(*pnt, zero_coords);
    		closest_geo_point[i] = (dist[i]<=max_segment_length) ? getIndexInPntVec(pnt, new_points) : -1;
    	// store for each point the line segment to which it was added.
    	const std::size_t nLines (new_lines->size());
    	std::vector< std::vector<unsigned> > line_segment_map(nLines);
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<nLines; ++i)
    		line_segment_map[i] = std::vector<unsigned>((*new_lines)[i]->getNumberOfPoints(),0);
    		std::iota(line_segment_map[i].begin(), line_segment_map[i].end(), 0);
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<nMeshNodes; ++i)
    		// if mesh node too far away or exactly at point position
    		if (closest_geo_point[i] == -1 || dist[i] < eps) continue;
    		const MeshLib::Node* node (mesh->getNode(i));
    		for (std::size_t l=0; l<nLines; ++l)
    			// find relevant polylines
    			if (!(*org_lines)[l]->isPointIDInPolyline(closest_geo_point[i])) continue;
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    			// find point position of closest geo point in original polyline
    			GeoLib::Polyline* ply ((*org_lines)[l]);
    			std::size_t nLinePnts ( ply->getNumberOfPoints() );
    			std::size_t node_index_in_ply (0);
    			for (node_index_in_ply=0; node_index_in_ply<nLinePnts; ++node_index_in_ply)
    				if (ply->getPoint(node_index_in_ply) == (*points)[closest_geo_point[i]])
    			const GeoLib::Point* geo_point (ply->getPoint(node_index_in_ply));
    			// check if line segments connected to closest geo point intersect connected elements of current node
    			const std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> elements (node->getElements());
    			const std::size_t nElems = elements.size();
    			for (std::size_t e=0; e<nElems; ++e)
    				const unsigned nEdges (elements[e]->getNEdges());
    				unsigned intersection_count (0);
    				for (unsigned n=0; n<nEdges; ++n)
    					if (intersection_count>1) break; //already two intersections
    					const MeshLib::Element* line = elements[e]->getEdge(n);
    					unsigned index_offset(0); // default: add to first line segment
    					GeoLib::Point* intersection (NULL);
    					if (node_index_in_ply>0) // test line segment before closest point
    						intersection = calcIntersection(line->getNode(0), line->getNode(1), geo_point, ply->getPoint(node_index_in_ply-1));
    					if (intersection == NULL && node_index_in_ply<(nLinePnts-1)) // test line segment after closest point
    						intersection = calcIntersection(line->getNode(0), line->getNode(1), geo_point, ply->getPoint(node_index_in_ply+1));
    						index_offset = 1; // add to second segment
    					if (intersection)
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    						unsigned start_point_idx = static_cast<unsigned>(std::distance(line_segment_map[l].begin(), std::find_if(line_segment_map[l].begin(), line_segment_map[l].end(), [&node_index_in_ply, &index_offset](unsigned a){return a==node_index_in_ply+index_offset-1;})));
    						unsigned end_point_idx   = static_cast<unsigned>(std::distance(line_segment_map[l].begin(), std::find_if(line_segment_map[l].begin(), line_segment_map[l].end(), [&node_index_in_ply, &index_offset](unsigned a){return a==node_index_in_ply+index_offset;})));
    						std::size_t pos = getPointPosInLine((*new_lines)[l], start_point_idx, end_point_idx, intersection, eps);
    						if (pos)
    							const std::size_t pnt_pos (new_points->size());
    							(*new_lines)[l]->insertPoint(pos, pnt_pos);
    							line_segment_map[l].insert(line_segment_map[l].begin()+pos, node_index_in_ply+index_offset-1);
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    	this->_geo_objects.addPointVec(new_points, const_cast<std::string&>(new_geo_name));
    	std::vector<size_t> pnt_id_map = this->_geo_objects.getPointVecObj(new_geo_name)->getIDMap();
    	for (std::size_t i=0; i<new_lines->size(); ++i)
    	this->_geo_objects.addPolylineVec(new_lines, new_geo_name);
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    	// map new geometry incl. additional point using the normal mapping method
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    	this->_geo_name = new_geo_name;
    GeoLib::Point* GeoMapper::calcIntersection(MathLib::Point3d const*const p1, MathLib::Point3d const*const p2, GeoLib::Point const*const q1, GeoLib::Point const*const q2) const
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    	const double x1 = (*p1)[0], x2 = (*p2)[0], x3 = (*q1)[0], x4 = (*q2)[0];
    	const double y1 = (*p1)[1], y2 = (*p2)[1], y3 = (*q1)[1], y4 = (*q2)[1];
    	const double det = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4);
    	if (fabs(det) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) return NULL;
    	const double pre  = (x1*y2 - y1*x2);
    	const double post = (x3*y4 - y3*x4);
    	const double x = ( pre * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * post ) / det;
    	const double y = ( pre * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * post ) / det;
    	// Check if the x and y coordinates are within both line segments
    	if (isPntInBoundingBox(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) && isPntInBoundingBox(x3,y3,x4,y4,x,y))
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    unsigned GeoMapper::getPointPosInLine(GeoLib::Polyline const*const line, unsigned start, unsigned end, GeoLib::Point const*const point, double eps) const
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    	const double* first = line->getPoint(start)->getCoords();
    	const double* pnt   = point->getCoords();
    	const double max_dist = MathLib::sqrDist(first, pnt);
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    	// if point is at start or end of line segment
    	if (max_dist<eps && MathLib::sqrDist(pnt, line->getPoint(end)->getCoords())) return 0;
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    	for (std::size_t i=start+1; i<end; ++i)
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    		const double* current = (*line->getPoint(i)).getCoords();
    		if (MathLib::sqrDist(pnt, current) < eps) return 0;
    		if (MathLib::sqrDist(first, current) > max_dist) return i;
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    	return end; // last point of segment
    bool GeoMapper::isPntInBoundingBox(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double px, double py) const
    	if ( px < (std::min(ax, bx)-std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) || px > (std::max(ax, bx)+std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) ||
    		 py < (std::min(ay, by)-std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) || py > (std::max(ay, by)+std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) )
    		 return false;
    	return true;
    double GeoMapper::getMaxSegmentLength(const std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*> &lines) const
    	double max_segment_length (0);
    	const std::size_t nPlys ( lines.size() );
    	for (size_t i=0; i<nPlys; ++i)
    		const GeoLib::Polyline* line = lines[i];
    		const std::size_t nPlyPoints = line->getNumberOfPoints();
    		for (size_t j=1; j<nPlyPoints; ++j)
    			const double dist (line->getLength(j)-line->getLength(j-1));
    			if (dist>max_segment_length)
    } // end namespace MeshGeoToolsLib