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Commit 8efb45a1 authored by Dmitri Naumov's avatar Dmitri Naumov
Browse files

[PL] SD; Add material forces computation.

parent 4bf3aea9
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* \file
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012-2017, OpenGeoSys Community (
* Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
* See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include "MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenMapTools.h"
#include "NumLib/DOF/DOFTableUtil.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Deformation/GMatrix.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Parameter/SpatialPosition.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Utils/InitShapeMatrices.h"
namespace ProcessLib
namespace SmallDeformation
struct MaterialForcesInterface
virtual std::vector<double> const& getMaterialForces(
std::vector<double> const& local_x,
std::vector<double>& nodal_values) = 0;
virtual ~MaterialForcesInterface() = default;
template <int DisplacementDim, typename ShapeFunction,
typename ShapeMatricesType, typename NodalForceVectorType,
typename NodalDisplacementVectorType, typename GradientVectorType,
typename GradientMatrixType, typename IPData,
typename IntegrationMethod>
std::vector<double> const& getMaterialForces(
std::vector<double> const& local_x, std::vector<double>& nodal_values,
IntegrationMethod const& _integration_method, IPData const& _ip_data,
MeshLib::Element const& element, bool const is_axially_symmetric)
unsigned const n_integration_points =
auto local_b = MathLib::createZeroedVector<NodalDisplacementVectorType>(
nodal_values, ShapeFunction::NPOINTS * DisplacementDim);
for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
auto const& sigma = _ip_data[ip].sigma;
auto const& N = _ip_data[ip].N;
auto const& dNdx = _ip_data[ip].dNdx;
auto const& psi = _ip_data[ip].free_energy_density;
auto const x_coord =
interpolateXCoordinate<ShapeFunction, ShapeMatricesType>(
element, _ip_data[ip].N);
// For the 2D case the 33-component is needed (and the four entries
// of the non-symmetric matrix); In 3d there are nine entries.
GradientMatrixType G(
DisplacementDim * DisplacementDim + (DisplacementDim == 2 ? 1 : 0),
ShapeFunction::NPOINTS * DisplacementDim);
Deformation::computeGMatrix<DisplacementDim, ShapeFunction::NPOINTS>(
dNdx, G, is_axially_symmetric, N, x_coord);
GradientVectorType const grad_u =
G * Eigen::Map<NodalForceVectorType const>(, ShapeFunction::NPOINTS * DisplacementDim);
GradientVectorType eshelby_stress;
eshelby_stress.setZero(DisplacementDim * DisplacementDim +
(DisplacementDim == 2 ? 1 : 0));
if (DisplacementDim == 3)
eshelby_stress[0] = eshelby_stress[DisplacementDim + 1] =
eshelby_stress[8] = psi;
eshelby_stress[0] -= sigma[0] * grad_u[0] +
sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[3] +
sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[6];
eshelby_stress[1] -= sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[0] +
sigma[1] * grad_u[3] +
sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[6];
eshelby_stress[2] -= sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[0] +
sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[3] +
sigma[2] * grad_u[6];
eshelby_stress[3] -= sigma[0] * grad_u[1] +
sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[4] +
sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[7];
eshelby_stress[4] -= sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[1] +
sigma[1] * grad_u[4] +
sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[7];
eshelby_stress[5] -= sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[1] +
sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[4] +
sigma[2] * grad_u[7];
eshelby_stress[6] -= sigma[0] * grad_u[2] +
sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[5] +
sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[8];
eshelby_stress[7] -= sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[2] +
sigma[1] * grad_u[5] +
sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[8];
eshelby_stress[8] -= sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[2] +
sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[5] +
sigma[2] * grad_u[8];
else if (DisplacementDim == 2)
eshelby_stress[0] = eshelby_stress[DisplacementDim + 1] =
eshelby_stress[4] = psi;
eshelby_stress[0] -=
sigma[0] * grad_u[0] + sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[2];
eshelby_stress[1] -=
sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[0] + sigma[1] * grad_u[2];
eshelby_stress[2] -=
sigma[0] * grad_u[1] + sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[3];
eshelby_stress[3] -=
sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[1] + sigma[1] * grad_u[3];
// for axial-symmetric case the following is not zero in general
eshelby_stress[4] -= sigma[2] * grad_u[4];
"Material forces not implemented for displacement dimension "
"other than 2 and 3.");
auto const& w = _ip_data[ip].integration_weight;
local_b += G.transpose() * eshelby_stress * w;
return nodal_values;
template <typename LocalAssemblerInterface>
void writeMaterialForces(
MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>& material_forces,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LocalAssemblerInterface>> const&
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& local_to_global_index_map,
GlobalVector const& x)
DBUG("Compute material forces for small deformation process.");
// Material forces
std::fill(std::begin(material_forces), std::end(material_forces), 0);
[](const std::size_t mesh_item_id,
LocalAssemblerInterface& local_assembler,
const NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap& dof_table,
GlobalVector const& x,
std::vector<double>& node_values) {
auto const indices = NumLib::getIndices(mesh_item_id, dof_table);
std::vector<double> local_data;
auto const local_x = x.get(indices);
local_assembler.getMaterialForces(local_x, local_data);
assert(local_data.size() == indices.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
node_values[indices[i]] += local_data[i];
local_assemblers, local_to_global_index_map, x, material_forces);
} // namespace SmallDeformation
} // namespace ProcessLib
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "MaterialLib/SolidModels/MechanicsBase.h"
#include "NumLib/Extrapolation/ExtrapolatableElement.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Deformation/MaterialForces.h"
#include "ProcessLib/LocalAssemblerInterface.h"
namespace ProcessLib
......@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ namespace SmallDeformation
template <int DisplacementDim>
struct SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerInterface
: public ProcessLib::LocalAssemblerInterface,
public MaterialForcesInterface,
public NumLib::ExtrapolatableElement
virtual std::vector<double> const& getIntPtFreeEnergyDensity(
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "NumLib/Fem/FiniteElement/TemplateIsoparametric.h"
#include "NumLib/Fem/ShapeMatrixPolicy.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Deformation/BMatrixPolicy.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Deformation/GMatrixPolicy.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Deformation/LinearBMatrix.h"
#include "ProcessLib/LocalAssemblerInterface.h"
#include "ProcessLib/LocalAssemblerTraits.h"
......@@ -93,6 +94,10 @@ public:
using NodalDisplacementVectorType =
typename BMatricesType::NodalForceVectorType;
using GMatricesType = GMatrixPolicyType<ShapeFunction, DisplacementDim>;
using GradientVectorType = typename GMatricesType::GradientVectorType;
using GradientMatrixType = typename GMatricesType::GradientMatrixType;
SmallDeformationLocalAssembler(SmallDeformationLocalAssembler const&) =
SmallDeformationLocalAssembler(SmallDeformationLocalAssembler&&) = delete;
......@@ -249,6 +254,35 @@ public:
void postTimestepConcrete(std::vector<double> const& /*local_x*/) override
unsigned const n_integration_points =
for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
auto& ip_data = _ip_data[ip];
// Update free energy density needed for material forces.
ip_data.free_energy_density =
ip_data.eps, ip_data.sigma,
std::vector<double> const& getMaterialForces(
std::vector<double> const& local_x,
std::vector<double>& nodal_values) override
return ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::getMaterialForces<
DisplacementDim, ShapeFunction, ShapeMatricesType,
typename BMatricesType::NodalForceVectorType,
NodalDisplacementVectorType, GradientVectorType,
GradientMatrixType>(local_x, nodal_values, _integration_method,
_ip_data, _element, _is_axially_symmetric);
Eigen::Map<const Eigen::RowVectorXd> getShapeMatrix(
const unsigned integration_point) const override
......@@ -259,6 +293,9 @@ public:
std::vector<double> const& getIntPtFreeEnergyDensity(
const double /*t*/,
GlobalVector const& /*current_solution*/,
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& /*dof_table*/,
std::vector<double>& cache) const override
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ SmallDeformationProcess<DisplacementDim>::SmallDeformationProcess(
_nodal_forces = MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
mesh, "NodalForces", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, DisplacementDim);
_material_forces = MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
mesh, "MaterialForces", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, DisplacementDim);
template <int DisplacementDim>
......@@ -69,6 +71,13 @@ void SmallDeformationProcess<DisplacementDim>::initializeConcreteProcess(
_nodal_forces->resize(DisplacementDim * mesh.getNumberOfNodes());
_material_forces->resize(DisplacementDim * mesh.getNumberOfNodes());
makeExtrapolator(1, getExtrapolator(), _local_assemblers,
......@@ -248,5 +257,19 @@ void SmallDeformationProcess<DisplacementDim>::preTimestepConcreteProcess(
*_local_to_global_index_map, x, t, dt);
template <int DisplacementDim>
void SmallDeformationProcess<DisplacementDim>::postTimestepConcreteProcess(
GlobalVector const& x)
DBUG("PostTimestep SmallDeformationProcess.");
&LocalAssemblerInterface::postTimestep, _local_assemblers,
*_local_to_global_index_map, x);
*_material_forces, _local_assemblers, *_local_to_global_index_map, x);
} // namespace SmallDeformation
} // namespace ProcessLib
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ private:
void preTimestepConcreteProcess(GlobalVector const& x, double const t,
double const dt) override;
void postTimestepConcreteProcess(GlobalVector const& x) override;
SmallDeformationProcessData<DisplacementDim> _process_data;
......@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ private:
MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>* _nodal_forces = nullptr;
MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>* _material_forces = nullptr;
extern template class SmallDeformationProcess<2>;
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