Speedup Dirichlet BCs for deactivated subdomains
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When the transposed matrix is created the zero entries are omitted in its sparsity pattern, which is fine if all rows/columns have at least one value. In case of deactivated subdomains the local assemblers are not run and the transposed matrix lags the required space to set the diagonal values resulting in costly reallocations.
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Merge request reports
changed milestone to %6.4.1
added workflowplease review label
requested review from @wenqing and @TomFischer
- Resolved by Dmitry Yu. Naumov
added 22 commits
04547628...deb816da - 21 commits from branch
- fe02b3ed - [MaL] Allocate space for diagonal values.
04547628...deb816da - 21 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 9d496674
removed workflowplease review label
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