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Add mpirun to container

Lars Bilke requested to merge bilke/ogs:guix-openmpi into master

Current state of parallelised simulation runs in container:

  • Call via srun (Slurm) works (eve, juwels, barnard)
  • When running with mpirun add --bind /tmp:/tmp, see
  • Call with host mpirun works if host OpenMPI version is same as in container (4.x): mpirun -np 2 apptainer exec ogs-petsc.squashfs ogs ....
  • Otherwise need to use mpirun from container (added with this MR): apptainer exec ogs-petsc-with-openmpi.squashfs mpirun -np 2 ogs ....
    • may require disabling ssh interconnect: ... mpirun --mca plm_rsh_agent "" ... or via env var OMPI_MCA_plm_rsh_agent=

Will add some documentation later when linked guix issue is resolved.

  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
Edited by Lars Bilke

Merge request reports