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[LD] F bar method for total Lagrangian formulation

wenqing requested to merge wenqing/ogs:F_bar into master

This MR. brings the implementation of the F bar method for total Lagrangian formulation.

Note: this MR includes one of the commits of MR !4850.

TODO: issue with non-elastic models, or stress dependent models, where MFront does not know that the given stress has already been modified with F-bar (to be tested and verified with a simple example); algorithms for axi-symmetric problems; Jupyter Notebook benchmark.

  1. Feature description was added to the changelog
  2. Tests covering your feature were added?
  • Cook's membrane (2D/3D)

  • 2D indentation

    With F-bar:

    non F-bar:

  • 3D indentation

    F bar:

    Non F bar:

  • Thick cylindrical shell

    Vertical displacement:

  1. Any new feature or behaviour change was documented?
Edited by Dmitry Yu. Naumov

Merge request reports
