weighting factor used in HEAT_TRANSPORT_BHE process
Improve the calculation of weighting factor used for Algebraic BC in the BHE process. Weighting factor will be calculated now based on both the M and K matrix.
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Merge request reports
added workflowin development label
requested review from @Max_Jaeschke
assigned to @HBShaoUFZ and @Max_Jaeschke
added 3 commits
67003871...5af6fb1f - 2 commits from branch
- 772433ac - weighting factor consider both M and K matrix
67003871...5af6fb1f - 2 commits from branch
- Resolved by Max Jäschke
changed milestone to %6.5.5
added 136 commits
486cdb13...f48c63d6 - 135 commits from branch
- a0ae7f5d - weighting factor consider both M and K matrix
486cdb13...f48c63d6 - 135 commits from branch
added 19 commits
762c516b...610b9214 - 17 commits from branch
- b6bfdddc - weighting factor consider both M and K matrix
- 05706ea2 - change the weighting factor to use abs val
762c516b...610b9214 - 17 commits from branch
added workflowplease review label and removed workflowin development label
added 15 commits
14add2df...9d74678f - 11 commits from branch
- 112117d7 - weighting factor consider both M and K matrix
- 500eac78 - change the weighting factor to use abs val
- 9f2980df - set weighting factor uniformly to 1000
- e1df3177 - change parameter documentation accordingly
Toggle commit list-
14add2df...9d74678f - 11 commits from branch
- Resolved by Max Jäschke
@HBShaoUFZ Please also change the default value in the
CreateHeatTransportBHEProcess.cpp line 187 to 189
to 1000. Then I'm fine with this MR.
added 15 commits
e1df3177...ffa47773 - 11 commits from branch
- 6b9a6d25 - change the weighting factor to use abs val
- 90cab233 - set default value to 1000
- 9c9514b6 - set weighting factor uniformly to 1000
- 76dea083 - change parameter documentation accordingly
Toggle commit list-
e1df3177...ffa47773 - 11 commits from branch
removed workflowplease review label
mentioned in commit 3c34ffbe