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  • #===== OGS6_gml =====
    #'@description Constructor for the OGS6_gml base class
    OGS6_gml <- R6::R6Class(
        public = list(
            #'Creates new OGS6_gml object
            #'@param gml_path string: Optional: Path to .gml file
            #'@param name string: Geometry name
            #'@param points tibble: Must have 3 vectors named 'x', 'y' and 'z', may
            #' have optional 'name' vector
            #'@param polylines list(list("foo", c(1, 2))):
            #'@param surfaces list(list("foo", c(1, 2, 3), c(2, 3, 4))):
            initialize = function(gml_path = NULL,
                                  name = NULL,
                                  points = NULL,
                                  polylines = NULL,
                                  surfaces = NULL) {
                    self$name <- name
                    self$points <- points
                    self$polylines <- polylines
                    self$surfaces <- surfaces
                    if(!is.null(name) ||
                       !is.null(points) ||
                       !is.null(polylines) ||
                        warning(paste("`gml_path` was specified for OGS6_gml",
                                      "initialization, so all other parameters",
                                      "will be ignored!"), call. = FALSE)
                    xml_doc <- validate_read_in_xml(gml_path)
                    self$name <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(xml_doc,
                    self$points <- read_in_points(xml_doc)
                    self$polylines <- read_in_polylines(xml_doc)
                    self$surfaces <- read_in_surfaces(xml_doc)
                private$.gml_path <- gml_path
        active = list(
            #'@field gml_path
            #'Getter for private parameter '.gml_path'
            gml_path = function(value) {
            #'@field name
            #'Access to private parameter '.name'
            name = function(value) {
                if(missing(value)) {
                    private$.name <- value
            #'@field points
            #'Access to private parameter '.points'
            points = function(value) {
                if(missing(value)) {
                    private$.points <- validate_points(value)
            #'@field polylines
            #'Access to private parameter '.polylines'
            polylines = function(value) {
                if(missing(value)) {
                        value <- validate_polylines(value)
                    private$.polylines <- value
            #'@field surfaces
            #'Access to private parameter '.surfaces'
            surfaces = function(value) {
                if(missing(value)) {
                        value <- validate_surfaces(value)
                    private$.surfaces <- value
            #'@field is_subclass
            #'Getter for private parameter '.is_subclass'
            is_subclass = function(value) {
            #'@field attr_names
            #'Getter for private parameter '.attr_names'
            attr_names = function(value) {
            #'@field flatten_on_exp
            #'Getter for private parameter '.flatten_on_exp'
            flatten_on_exp = function(value) {
        private = list(
            validate = function(){
                maximal_point_id <- length(self$points[[1]]) - 1
                check_pnt <- function(pnt){
                    if(pnt > maximal_point_id ||
                       pnt < 0){
                        stop(paste("Point with ID", pnt, "does not exist"),
                             call. = FALSE)
                #Check if polylines reference existing points
                lapply(self$polylines, function(x){
                    lapply(x[[2]], check_pnt)
                #Check if surfaces reference existing points
                lapply(self$surfaces, function(x){
                    lapply(x[[2]], check_pnt)
                    if(length(x) == 3){
                        lapply(x[[3]], check_pnt)
            .gml_path = NULL,
            .name = NULL,
            .points = NULL,
            .polylines = NULL,
            .surfaces = NULL,
            .is_subclass = TRUE,
            .attr_names = c("point", "name", "id", "element"),
            .flatten_on_exp = character()
    #===== Validation utility =====
    #'@description Checks if the input is a tibble, if this tibble has the right
    #' number of elements, if those elements are named correctly and if there are
    #' any overlapping points or duplicate point names
    #'@param points tibble: Must have 3 vectors named 'x', 'y' and 'z', may have
    #' optional 'name' vector
    validate_points <- function(points) {
        assertthat::assert_that(inherits(points, "tbl_df"))
        names <- names(points)
        if (!((length(points) == 4 && names[[1]] == "x" && names[[2]] == "y" &&
               names[[3]] == "z" && names[[4]] == "name") ||
              (length(points) == 3 && names[[1]] == "x" && names[[2]] == "y" &&
               names[[3]] == "z"))){
            stop(paste(points, " column names do not fit to 'x, y, z, (name)' "),
                 call. = FALSE)
        has_names <- (length(points) == 4)
        # #Find overlapping points and duplicate names
        # for(i in 1:(length(points[[1]])-1)){
        #     for(j in (i+1):length(points[[1]])){
        #         if(points[[1]][[i]] == points[[1]][[j]] &&
        #            points[[2]][[i]] == points[[2]][[j]] &&
        #            points[[3]][[i]] == points[[3]][[j]]){
        #             stop("Overlapping .gml points detected", call. = FALSE)
        #         }
        #         if(has_names){
        #             if(points[[4]][[i]] == points[[4]][[j]] &&
        #                points[[4]][[i]] != ""){
        #                 warning("Duplicate .gml point names detected",
        #                         call. = FALSE)
        #             }
        #         }
        #     }
        # }
    #'@description Checks if the input is a list, if this list consists of other
    #' lists and if those lists have the correct structure (length of 2, first
    #' element is a string named 'name', second element is a numeric vector)
    #'@param polylines list(list("foo", c(1, 2))):
    validate_polylines <- function(polylines) {
        polylines <- lapply(polylines, function(x){
            assertthat::assert_that(length(x) == 2)
            names(x)[[1]] <- c("name")
            names(x[[2]]) <- rep("pnt", length(names(x[[2]])))
        names(polylines) <- rep("polyline", length(polylines))
    #'@description Checks if the input is a list, if this list consists of other
    #' lists and if those lists have the correct structure (length of 2 or 3, first
    #' element is a string named 'name', second and third element are numeric
    #' vectors)
    #'@param surfaces list(list("foo", c(1, 2, 3), c(2, 3, 4))):
    validate_surfaces <- function(surfaces) {
        validate_element <- function(element){
            assertthat::assert_that(length(element) == 3)
            names(element) <- c("p1", "p2", "p3")
        surfaces <- lapply(surfaces, function(x){
            assertthat::assert_that(length(x) == 2 ||
                                        length(x) == 3)
            names(x) <- c("name", rep("element", (length(x)-1)))
            x[[2]] <- validate_element(x[[2]])
            if(length(x) == 3){
                x[[3]] <- validate_element(x[[3]])
                # validate_pnt_values(x[[2]], x[[3]])
        names(surfaces) <- rep("surface", length(surfaces))
    #'@description Checks if two numerical vectors of length 3
    #' (two surface elements) each consist of 3 different elements and have
    #' exactly 2 matching elements between them. Think of the two vectors as
    #' triangles, and the triangles together form a square which is our surface.
    #'@param element_1 numeric, length = 3
    #'@param element_2 numeric, length = 3
    validate_pnt_values = function (element_1, element_2) {
        if(element_1[[1]] == element_1[[2]] ||
           element_1[[1]] == element_1[[3]] ||
           element_1[[2]] == element_1[[3]] ||
           element_2[[1]] == element_2[[2]] ||
           element_2[[1]] == element_2[[3]] ||
           element_2[[2]] == element_2[[3]]) {
            stop("A surface element must consist of 3 different points",
                 call. = FALSE)
        equal_count <- 0
        for(i in 1:length(element_1)) {
            for(j in 1:length(element_2)) {
                if(element_1[[i]] == element_2[[j]]) {
                    equal_count <- equal_count + 1
        if(equal_count != 2) {
            stop("Invalid surface detected", call. = FALSE)