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generate_benchmark_script.R 8.07 KiB
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  • #===== generate_all_benchmarks (WIP) =====
    Ruben Heinrich's avatar
    Ruben Heinrich committed
    #'@description Collector function to generate benchmarks from all .prj files in
    #' a directory
    #'@param path Optional: A path to a benchmark directory to generate scripts
    #' from (defaults to 'extdata/benchmarks' package folder)
    Ruben Heinrich's avatar
    Ruben Heinrich committed
    #'@param dest_dir Optional: The directory to write the scripts to
    #' (defaults to 'extdata/benchmark_scripts' package folder)
    generate_all_benchmarks <- function(path = "extdata/benchmarks/",
                                        dest_dir = "extdata/benchmark_scripts/"){
        prj_files <- list.files(path = path, pattern = "\\.prj$", recursive = TRUE)
        for(i in seq_len(length(prj_files))){
            prj_file <- paste0(path, prj_files[[i]])
            skip_to_next <- FALSE
            out<- tryCatch(
                    xml2::read_xml(prj_file, encoding="ISO-8859-1")
                error = function(cond){
                    skip_to_next <<- TRUE
            generate_benchmark_script(prj_file, dest_dir)
    #===== generate_benchmark_script =====
    #'@description Generates a benchmark script from an existing .prj file.
    #'@param prj_path The path to the project file the script will be based on
    #'@param dest_dir Optional: The directory to write the script to
    generate_benchmark_script <- function(prj_path,
                                          dest_dir = "extdata/benchmark_scripts/") {
        #Construct an object from a benchmark and then reverse engineer the call
        ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = "",
                             sim_id = 1,
                             sim_path = "",
                             ogs_bin_path = "",
                             test_mode = TRUE)
        read_in_prj(ogs6_obj, prj_path)
    Ruben Heinrich's avatar
    Ruben Heinrich committed
        impl_classes = get_implemented_classes()
        sim_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(prj_path))
        script_str <- paste0("library(r2ogs6)\n\n",
                             "ogs6_obj <- OGS6$new(sim_name = \"",
                             sim_name, "\",\n",
                             "sim_id = 1,\n",
                             "sim_path = \"your_sim_path\",\n",
                             "ogs_bin_path = \"your_bin_path\")\n\n\n")
        for(i in seq_len(length(impl_classes))){
            get_component_call <- paste0("ogs6_obj$", names(impl_classes)[[i]])
            ogs6_component <- eval(parse(text = get_component_call))
            #If benchmark doesn't have components of specified name, skip
            if(is.null(ogs6_component) || length(ogs6_component) == 0){
            #If objects are not in wrapper list, wrap them up for seq_along()
            if(any(grepl("r2ogs6_", class(ogs6_component), fixed = TRUE))){
                ogs6_component <- list(ogs6_component)
            for(j in seq_along(ogs6_component)){
                add_call_str <- paste0(construct_add_call(ogs6_component[[j]]),
                script_str <- paste0(script_str, add_call_str)
        script_str <- paste0(script_str, "run_simulation(ogs6_obj)\n")
        #If no destination file was defined, print output to console
        if(dest_dir != ""){
                dir.create(dest_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
            cat(script_str, file = paste0(dest_dir, sim_name, ".R"))
    #'@description Constructs a call based on an OGS6 component. This is a
    #' recursive function, handle with care.
    #'@param object An object (numeric, character, list, NULL, or r2ogs6 class
    #' object)
    #'@param nested_call Optional: For recursion purposes, you should leave this as
    #' it is.
    #'@return A string representing the code with which the component would be added
    #' to an OGS6 object
    construct_add_call <- function(object, nested_call = FALSE) {
        #For values of type numeric or character, dput will give us usable output
        if(is.character(object) ||
            ret_str <- paste(utils::capture.output(dput(object)), collapse="\n")
        #For NULL values we return "NULL" as string
        #For r2ogs6 objects we need to use recursion
        if(any(grepl("r2ogs6_", class(object), fixed = TRUE))){
            class_name <- class(object)
            tag_name <- paste(utils::tail(unlist(strsplit(class_name, "_")), -1),
                              collapse = "_")
            #Grab constructor since the helper might have coercable parameters
            param_names <- names(as.list(formals(paste0("new_", class_name))))
            param_strs <- list()
            for(i in seq_len(length(param_names))){
                get_param_call <- paste0("object$", param_names[[i]])
                param <- eval(parse(text = get_param_call))
                param_str <- construct_add_call(param, TRUE)
                param_strs <- c(param_strs, list(param_str))
            content_str <- paste(param_names,
                                 sep = " = ",
                                 collapse = ",\n")
            #If call is nested, it's a subclass object without OGS6$add_* function
                ret_str <- paste0(class_name, "(", content_str, ")")
                ret_str <- delete_nulls_from_str(ret_str)
                ret_str <- delete_keywords_from_str(ret_str)
            ret_str <- paste0("ogs6_obj$add_",
                              "(", class_name, "(", content_str, "))\n")
            ret_str <- delete_nulls_from_str(ret_str)
            ret_str <- delete_keywords_from_str(ret_str)
        #For tibbles we don't need recursion, but they still require extra handling
        if("tbl_df" %in% class(object)){
            tib_str <- paste(names(object), object, sep = " = ", collapse = ",\n")
            ret_str <- paste0("tibble::tibble(", tib_str, ")")
        #Positioning is important here - r2ogs6 objects are built on top of lists!
        #If is.list is checked before class, results will not be as intended!
        #For lists we need to use recursion
            element_strs <- lapply(object, function(x){construct_add_call(x, TRUE)})
            if(is.null(names(object)) ||
               rlist::list.any(names(object) == "")){
                content_str <- paste(element_strs, collapse = ",\n")
                content_str <- paste(names(object),
                                     sep = " = ",
                                     collapse = ",\n")
            ret_str <- paste0("list(", content_str, ")")
    #'@description Utility function to delete "param_name = NULL" from a string,
    #' this isn't necessary for functionality of generate_benchmark_script but will
    #' make generated scripts way more readable.
    #'@param string string
    delete_nulls_from_str <- function(string){
        #For single line calls
        #Match in beginning of call
        string <- stringr::str_remove_all(string, "[\\w_]* = NULL, ")
        #Match in middle or at end of call
        string <- stringr::str_remove_all(string, ", [\\w_]* = NULL")
        #For multi line calls
        #Match in beginning of call
        string <- stringr::str_remove_all(string, "[\\w_]* = NULL,\n")
        #Match in middle or at end of call
        string <- stringr::str_remove_all(string, ",\n[\\w_]* = NULL")
    #'@description Utility function to delete keywords from a string,
    #' this important because there is a <repeat> tag in <time_loop> and
    #' "repeat" is a reserved word in R (extend this function if you find more
    #' reserved words)
    #'@param string string
    delete_keywords_from_str <- function(string){
        string <- stringr::str_remove_all(string, "repeat = ")