Ruben Heinrich authored
Minor corrections added, documentation updated. Slowly sorting out how the .prj file parameters need to be exported. This will still take some time.
Ruben Heinrich authoredMinor corrections added, documentation updated. Slowly sorting out how the .prj file parameters need to be exported. This will still take some time.
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analyse_xml.R 9.80 KiB
#This is a helper function which can be used to combat missing documentation.
#Benchmark HydroMechanics:
#analyse_xml("D:\\Programme\\OpenGeoSys\\ogs-master-Tests-Data-HydroMechanics/", "\\.vtu$", "VTKFile")
#Personal playground:
#analyse_xml("./inst/extdata/flow_free_expansion/playground/", "\\.vtu$", "VTKFile")
#' analyse_xml
#' @description This is a helper function which can be used to combat missing documentation. It looks
#' for files in a path which match the given pattern and then attempts to parse them as XML.
#' For each occurence of the specified element, it documents its attributes and direct children and prints a little
#' summary of its findings at the end.
#' @param path A path
#' @param pattern A regex pattern
#' @param element_name The name of the XML element to look for
analyse_xml <- function(path, pattern, element_name) {
xml_files <- list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern, recursive = TRUE)
#Think about input...
files_found <- length(xml_files)
valid_files_count <- 0
valid_files_names <- character()
element_found_files_names <- character()
invalid_files_count <- 0
invalid_files_names <- character()
total_matches <- 0
attribute_name_counts <- list()
child_exists_counts <- list()
child_total_counts <- list()
#Return values, will contain a named list of flags (TRUE if required, else FALSE)
attribute_flags <- list()
child_flags <- list()
if(length(xml_files) == 0) {
stop(paste("No files found for defined pattern ", pattern), call. = FALSE)
for(i in seq_len(length(xml_files))){
#If there's invalid XML somewhere comment out the following for debugging:
skip_to_next <- FALSE
out<- tryCatch(
xml_doc <- xml2::read_xml(paste(path, xml_files[[i]], sep = ""), encoding="ISO-8859-1")
error = function(cond){
invalid_files_count <<- invalid_files_count + 1
invalid_files_names <<- c(invalid_files_names, basename(xml_files[[i]]))
skip_to_next <<- TRUE
valid_files_count <- valid_files_count + 1
valid_files_names <- c(valid_files_names, basename(xml_files[[i]]))
doc_matches <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_doc, paste("//", element_name, sep = ""))
total_matches <- total_matches + length(doc_matches)
if(length(doc_matches) > 0){
element_found_files_names <- c(element_found_files_names, xml_files[[i]])
#Get attribute names and counts
for (j in seq_len(length(doc_matches))){
attr_names <- names(xml2::xml_attrs(doc_matches[[j]]))
for(k in seq_len(length(attr_names))) {
if(!attr_names[[k]] %in% names(attribute_name_counts)) {
attribute_name_counts[[attr_names[[k]]]] <- 1
attribute_name_counts[[attr_names[[k]]]] <- attribute_name_counts[[attr_names[[k]]]] + 1
#Get child names and counts
for (j in seq_len(length(doc_matches))){
children <- xml2::xml_children(doc_matches[[j]])
first_found <- list()
for(k in seq_len(length(children))) {
child_name <- xml2::xml_name(children[[k]])
if(!child_name %in% first_found){
first_found <- c(first_found, child_name)
if(!child_name %in% names(child_exists_counts)) {
child_exists_counts[[child_name]] <- 1
child_exists_counts[[child_name]] <- child_exists_counts[[child_name]] + 1
if(!child_name %in% names(child_total_counts)) {
child_total_counts[[child_name]] <- 1
child_total_counts[[child_name]] <- child_total_counts[[child_name]] + 1
if(invalid_files_count > 0) {
cat("I skipped ", invalid_files_count, " malformed XML files matching your pattern:\n", sep = "")
for(i in seq_len(length(invalid_files_names))){
cat(invalid_files_names[[i]], "\n")
cat("\nI parsed ", valid_files_count, " valid XML files matching your pattern.\n", sep = "")
cat("\nI found at least one element named ", element_name, " in the following file(s):\n", sep = "")
for(i in seq_len(length(element_found_files_names))){
cat(element_found_files_names[[i]], "\n")
cat("\nIn total, I found ", total_matches, " element(s) named ", element_name, ".\n", sep = "")
#List attributes
if(length(attribute_name_counts) > 0) {
cat("\nThese are the attributes I found:\n")
attr_name_count_vector <- unlist(attribute_name_counts, use.names=FALSE)
attr_name_occ_vector <- unlist(lapply(attribute_name_counts, function(x){round((x / total_matches), 2)}))
attr_df <- data.frame(names(attribute_name_counts),
names(attr_df) <- c("name", "occ", "P(occ)")
rownames(attr_df) <- seq(1, length(attribute_name_counts))
attribute_flags <- get_required(names(attribute_name_counts), attr_name_occ_vector)
#List child elements
if(length(child_exists_counts) > 0) {
cat("\nThese are the child elements I found:\n")
child_ex_count_vector <- unlist(child_exists_counts, use.names=FALSE)
child_ex_occ_vector <- unlist(lapply(child_exists_counts, function(x){round((x / total_matches), 2)}))
child_tot_count_vector <- unlist(child_total_counts, use.names=FALSE)
child_tot_occ_vector <- unlist(lapply(child_total_counts, function(x){round((x / total_matches), 2)}))
child_df <- data.frame(names(child_exists_counts),
names(child_df) <- c("name", "ex_occ", "P(occ)", "total", "total_mean")
rownames(child_df) <- seq(1, length(child_exists_counts))
child_flags <- get_required(names(child_exists_counts), child_ex_occ_vector)
#Return attributes and children (if found), else NULL
return(invisible(list(attribute_flags, child_flags)))
#Experimental stuff
generate_from_element <- function(element_name, attrs, children) {
generate_class_from_element <- function(element_name, class_name = NULL) {
#Generate name of new class from element name if class_name is not specified
class_name <- snakecase::to_any_case(element_name, "snake")
generated_class <- structure(list(), class = class_name)
generate_validator_from_element <- function() {
#cat(generate_as_node_from_element("DataArray", c("SexyAttr")))
#'@description Generates a method for the generic function as_node based on an XML element
#'@param element_name The name of the XML element to base the function on
#'@param attrs Optional: A list of element attributes
#'@param children Optional: A list of element children
generate_as_node_from_element <- function(element_name,
attrs = NULL,
children = NULL) {
attrs_snake_names <- sapply(attrs, snakecase::to_any_case, case = "snake")
children_snake_names <- sapply(children, snakecase::to_any_case, case = "snake")
element_snake_name <- snakecase::to_any_case(element_name, "snake")
f_name <- paste0("as_node.", element_snake_name)
#Is the child a parent itself?
is_parent = TRUE
func_str <- paste0(f_name, " <- function(obj) {\n")
node_name <- paste0(element_snake_name, "_node")
func_str <- paste0(func_str, "\t", node_name, " <- list(", element_name," = structure(list())\n")
#Add attributes
for(i in seq_len(length(attrs))){
nattr <- attrs_snake_names[[i]]
attr <- attrs[[i]]
func_str <- paste0(func_str, "\t", node_name, " <- add_attr(", node_name,
", obj$", nattr, ", '", attr, "')\n")
#Add children
for(i in seq_len(length(children))){
child_snake <- children_snake_names[[i]]
child <- children[[i]]
#If a child is a parent, either call as_node or adopt_nodes
func_str <- paste0(func_str, "\t", node_name, " <- add_child(", node_name,
", obj$", child_snake, ", '", child, "')\n")
func_str <- paste0(func_str, "\t", node_name, " <- add_child(", node_name,
", obj$", child_snake, ")\n")
func_str <- paste0(func_str, "\t", "return(", node_name, ")\n")
func_str <- paste0(func_str, "}")
#============================== HELPERS FOR analyse_xml ================================
#'@description Helper function to mark required attributes or children from a vector of names and a
#' vector of occurrence probabilities
#'@param names A vector of names
#'@param occurence_probabilities A vector of occurrence probabilities
get_required <- function(names, occurence_probabilities){
required <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(names))) {
if(occurence_probabilities[[i]] != 1) {
required[[names[[i]]]] <- FALSE
required[[names[[i]]]] <- TRUE