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Commit 5325ea64 authored by Ruben Heinrich's avatar Ruben Heinrich
Browse files

Deleted unused documentation and test files

parent 717532e9
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4 merge requests!57 vtkdiff,!47 parameter,!37 process borehole heat exchanger,!2Basic import and export functionality
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ S3method(input_add,r2ogs6_vtkdiff)
......@@ -29,4 +29,16 @@ export(r2ogs6_time_loop)
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ OGS6 <- R6::R6Class("OGS6",
add_gml = function(gml){
assertthat::assert_that(class(gml) == "r2ogs6_gml")
warning("Overwriting gml variable of OGS6 object", call. = FALSE)
warning("Overwriting gml and geometry variable of OGS6 object", call. = FALSE)
private$.gml <- gml
#This script contains various functions to read user input from a file (WIP)
read_gml_input_from_file <- function(point_file_name, polyline_file_name, surface_file_name) {
#'Reads in a .tsv file and parses it as a tibble.
#'A column specifying the name of the points is optional, but the number of columns must be consistent.
#'If one row has an entry for the point name, all rows need an entry for the point name.
#'If only some points need to be named, put "" (double quotes) for the points that don't have a name.
#'@param file_name The name of the .tsv file containing the point tibble
# @example
read_gml_points <- function(file_name) {
point_tibble <- readr::read_tsv(file_name, col_names = FALSE, quoted_na = FALSE, comment = "#")
if(length(point_tibble) == 4) {
names(point_tibble) <- c("x", "y", "z", "name")
}else if(length(point_tibble) == 3) {
names(point_tibble) <- c("x", "y", "z")
stop(paste("Invalid number of columns detected while reading file containing .gml points"), call. = FALSE)
#'@description Lets the user pick a file and adds it to the specified OGS6 class object
#'@param ogs6_obj A OGS6 class object
pick_file <- function(ogs6_obj) {
file <- file.choose()
file_name <- basename(file)
file_extension <- tools::file_ext(file)
if(file_extension == "vtu"){
# }else if(file_extension == "gml"){
# #...
# }else if(file_extension == "prj"){
# #...
stop("File must have extension .vtu", call. = FALSE)
file.copy(file, ogs6_obj$sim_path)
#Helper function for choosing a directory (platform independent!)
choose_directory = function(ini_dir = getwd(), caption = 'Select data directory') {
if (exists('utils::choose.dir')) {
utils::choose.dir(default = ini_dir, caption = caption)
} else {
tcltk::tk_choose.dir(default = ini_dir, caption = caption)
\ No newline at end of file
#Functions to read in data from a .prj file to an ogs6 object
#'@description Wrapper function to read in all relevant elements from a .prj file
read_in_all <- function(ogs6_obj, path){
xml_doc <- ""
read_in_processes(ogs6_obj, xml_doc)
#============================== "LET'S TYPE IT OUT" APPROACH ================================
#'@description Reads in parameter elements from a .prj file
#'@param ogs6_obj A OGS6 class object
#'@param prj_path
#'@param process_names Optional: The names of the process elements to be read in
read_in_processes <- function(ogs6_obj, prj_path, process_names = NULL){
xml_doc <- ""
processes <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_doc, "//processes")
#... differ between process by names and just all processes
process_elements <- xml2::xml_children(processes)
for(i in seq_len(length(process_elements))){
name <- ""
type <- ""
integration_order <- ""
dimension <- ""
constitutive_relation <- ""
process_variables <- ""
secondary_variables <- ""
specific_body_force <-
coupling_scheme <- ""
ogs6_obj$add_process(name, type, integration_order, dimension, constitutive_relation,
process_variables, secondary_variables, specific_body_force, coupling_scheme)
#'@description Reads in parameter elements from a .prj file
#'@param ogs6_obj A OGS6 class object
#'@param parameter_names Optional: The names of the parameter elements to be read in
read_in_parameter <- function(ogs6_obj, xml_doc, parameter_names = NULL){
parameters <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_doc, "//parameters")
#... differ between process by names and just all parameters
parameter_elements <- xml2::xml_children(parameters)
for(i in seq_len(length(parameter_elements))){
name <- ""
type <- ""
ogs6_obj$add_parameter(name, type, integration_order, dimension, constitutive_relation,
process_variables, secondary_variables, specific_body_force, coupling_scheme)
#============================== EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH ================================
#(could be better, could be shit...)
#'@description Reads in child elements from a .prj file
#'@param ogs6_obj A OGS6 class object
#'@param prj_path The path to the project file the child elements should be read from
#'@param element_name The name of the .prj element to be read from (wrapper element, e.g. 'processes')
#'@param child_name The name of the element children (e.g. 'process')
#'@param selection_vector Optional: Either a character vector containing the names of the children
#' OR a numeric vector containing their wanted indices
#'@param subclasses_names Optional: A character vector containing the names of r2ogs6_*
#' subclasses (r2ogs6_* classes without a method for input_add)
read_in_element <- function(ogs6_obj, prj_path, element_name, child_name,
selection_vector = NULL, subclasses_names = NULL){
assertthat::assert_that(class(ogs6_obj) == "OGS6")
#Attempt to read in file
out <- tryCatch(
xml_doc <- xml2::read_xml(prj_path, encoding="ISO-8859-1")
error = function(e){
stop("Could not find prj_path (see error message above), aborting call.", call. = FALSE)
has_names <- FALSE
has_indices <- FALSE
has_indices <- TRUE
}else if(is.character(selection_vector)){
has_names <- TRUE
stop("selection_vector must either be of type 'numeric' or 'character'", call. = FALSE)
element <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_doc, paste0("//", element_name))
element_children <- xml2::xml_children(element)
r2ogs6_obj <- NULL
#If selection_vector was a character vector
for(i in seq_len(length(selection_vector))){
specified_name <- selection_vector[[i]]
regex <- paste0("./", child_name, "[./name = '", specified_name, "']")
child <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_doc, regex)
if(class(child) == "xml_missing"){
warning(paste("Child with name", xml2::xml_name(child),
"not found. Skipping."), call. = FALSE)
r2ogs6_obj <- node_to_r2ogs6_obj(child, subclasses_names)
#If selection_vector was a numeric vector
}else if(has_indices){
for(i in seq_len(length(selection_vector))){
if(selection_vector[[i]] > length(element_children)){
warning(paste("Specified child index", selection_vector[[i]],
"out of range. Skipping."), call. = FALSE)
child <- element_children[[selection_vector[[i]]]]
r2ogs6_obj <- node_to_r2ogs6_obj(child, subclasses_names)
#If selection_vector was NULL, parse all children
for(i in seq_len(length(element_children))){
r2ogs6_obj <- node_to_r2ogs6_obj(element_children[[i]], subclasses_names)
#Add the object to the OGS6 object
add_call <- paste0("ogs6_obj.add_", child_name, "(r2ogs6_obj)")
eval(parse(text = add_call))
#'@description Takes an XML node and turns it into a class object
#'@param xml_node An XML node (of class xml2::xml_node)
#'@param subclasses_names Optional: A character vector containing the names of r2ogs6_*
#' subclasses (r2ogs6_* classes without a method for input_add)
node_to_r2ogs6_obj <- function(xml_node, subclasses_names = NULL){
assertthat::assert_that(class(xml_node) == "xml_node")
class_name <- paste0("r2ogs6_", xml2::xml_name(xml_node))
parameter_nodes <- xml2::xml_children(xml_node)
parameters <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(parameter_nodes))){
#Guesses the R representation of the node and adds it to parameter list
parameters <- c(parameters, list(guess_structure(parameter_nodes[[i]])))
#Names the parameter after the xml_node child name
names(parameters)[[length(parameters)]] <- xml2::xml_name(parameter_nodes[[i]])
ordered_parameters <- order_parameters(parameters)
#Construct the call to the r2ogs6_object helper
param_str <- paste(names(ordered_parameters), ordered_parameters, sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")
constr_call <- paste0(class_name, "(", param_str, ")")
#Evaluate the constructed call
r2ogs6_obj <- eval(parse(text = constr_call))
#'@description Orders a list of parameters corresponding to the argument order of a class
#'@param parameter_list A list of parameters
#'@param class_name The name of a class
order_parameters <- function(parameter_list, class_name){
ordered_parameters <- list()
#Gets the class parameters in the correct order
class_args <- names(as.list(formals(class_name)))
#Check for length mismatches
if(length(parameter_list) > length(class_args)){
stop(paste0("order_parameters: More parameters in parameter_list",
"than parameters in definition of class '", class_name,
"'. Please check the class definition!"), call. = FALSE)
#Check for value mismatches
for(i in seq_len(parameter_list)){
if(!names(parameter_list)[[i]] %in% class_args){
stop(paste0("order_parameters: Found element named '",
"', in parameter_list.",
" This element is not a parameter of class '", class_name,
"'. Please check the class definition!"), call. = FALSE)
for(i in seq_len(length(class_args))){
if(!class_args[[i]] %in% names(parameter_list)){
ordered_parameters[[class_args[[i]]]] <- NULL
ordered_parameters[[class_args[[i]]]] <- parameter_list[[class_args[[i]]]]
#'@description Guesses the R representation of an XML node and adds it to parameter list
#'1) Leaf nodes will have EITHER a value OR attributes (and will not be missing both, e.g. '<a/>').
#'2) Leaf nodes will never be r2ogs6_* objects
#'3) If there are multiple occurrences of r2ogs6_* class (and subclass) elements on the same level,
#' they have a wrapper node as their parent (e.g. <processes>, <properties>) which
#' will contain ONLY elements of this type
#'4) Wrapper nodes are represented as lists
#'5) Parent nodes whose children have no children are represented as lists
#'@param xml_node An XML node (of class xml2::xml_node)
#'@param subclasses_names Optional: A character vector containing the names of r2ogs6_*
#' subclasses (r2ogs6_* classes without a method for input_add)
guess_structure <- function(xml_node, subclasses_names = NULL){
assertthat::assert_that(class(xml_node) == "xml_node")
#Return values for leaf nodes
if(length(xml2::xml_children(xml_node)) == 0){
if(xml2::xml_text(xml_node) != ""){
#If the node is represented by a subclass
}else if(xml2::xml_name(xml_node) %in% names(subclasses_names)){
#Call another instance of node_to_r2ogs6_obj for the subclass
#If the node has children that are represented by a subclass
}else if(xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_children(xml_node)[[1]]) %in% names(subclasses_names)){
#WIP(for loop)
#Return values for parent nodes whose children have no children
}else if(any(length(xml2::xml_children(xml2::xml_children(xml_node))) > 0)){
#If the structure goes deeper than that, abort mission
stop(paste0("Could not guess the structure of node with name '",
xml2::xml_name(xml_node), "', please read the ",
"documentation for guess_structure() and which ",
"assumptions it is based on."), call. = FALSE)
#'@description Creates a named vector from a nodeset
#'@param xml_nodeset An XML nodeset (of class xml2::xml_nodeset)
vector_from_nodeset <- function(xml_nodeset){
assertthat::assert_that(class(xml_nodeset) == "xml_nodeset")
my_vector <- character()
for(i in seq_len(length(xml_nodeset))){
if(xml2::xml_text(xml_nodeset[[i]]) != ""){
my_vector <- c(my_vector, character(xml2::xml_text(xml_nodeset[[i]])))
my_vector <- c(my_vector, character(xml2::xml_attrs(xml_nodeset[[i]])))
names(my_vector)[[length(my_vector)]] <- xml2::xml_name(xml_nodeset[[i]])
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/analyse_xml.R
generate_as_node_from_element(element_name, attrs = NULL, children = NULL)
\item{element_name}{The name of the XML element to base the function on}
\item{attrs}{Optional: A list of element attributes}
\item{children}{Optional: A list of element children}
Generates a method for the generic function as_node based on an XML element
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/read_input_from_file.R
\item{ogs6_obj}{A OGS6 class object}
Lets the user pick a file and adds it to the specified OGS6 class object
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/read_input_from_file.R
\title{Reads in a .tsv file and parses it as a tibble.
A column specifying the name of the points is optional, but the number of columns must be consistent.
If one row has an entry for the point name, all rows need an entry for the point name.
If only some points need to be named, put "" (double quotes) for the points that don't have a name.}
\item{file_name}{The name of the .tsv file containing the point tibble}
Reads in a .tsv file and parses it as a tibble.
A column specifying the name of the points is optional, but the number of columns must be consistent.
If one row has an entry for the point name, all rows need an entry for the point name.
If only some points need to be named, put "" (double quotes) for the points that don't have a name.
test_that("read_gml_points correctly reads point tibble from file", {
point_tibble_1 <- read_gml_points(system.file("extdata", "gml_points_with_names.tsv", package = "r2ogs6"))
expect_equal(length(point_tibble_1), 4)
expect_setequal(names(point_tibble_1), c("x", "y", "z", "name"))
point_tibble_2 <- read_gml_points(system.file("extdata", "gml_points_without_names.tsv", package = "r2ogs6"))
expect_equal(length(point_tibble_2), 3)
expect_setequal(names(point_tibble_2), c("x", "y", "z"))
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