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Contributes to #44 "Function to support creating r2ogs5 objects from benchmark input files

phit0 requested to merge 44-feat_creating_r2ogs5_scripts_from_bm into master

initial commit: function yields almost bugfree script for "bc", "ic", "num", "out", "pcs", "rei", "st", "tim" "mcp", "mfp", "mmp", "msp" files.

  • Sometimes, the NAME keyword is missing in the input file (e.g. at mcp, mfp, mmp) and must be added manually.
  • *.gli, *.msh and *.rfd have to be added manually as well.
  • For every file in the directory, that is not processed by this function, a section label e.g. # msh --------------- (as a reminder that it is missing) is introduced.

Closes #44 (closed)

Edited by phit0

Merge request reports