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  • /**
     * Copyright (c) 2012, OpenGeoSys Community (
     *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
     *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
    Karsten Rink's avatar
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     * \file OGSIOVer4.cpp
     *  Created on 2010-01-14 by Thomas Fischer
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    #include <iomanip>
    #include <sstream>
    // FileIO
    #include "MeshIO/GMSHInterface.h"
    #include "OGSIOVer4.h"
    Karsten Rink's avatar
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    #include "StringTools.h"
    Karsten Rink's avatar
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    #include "quicksort.h"
    Karsten Rink's avatar
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    #include "GEOObjects.h"
    #include "Point.h"
    #include "Polygon.h"
    #include "Polyline.h"
    #include "SimplePolygonTree.h"
    #include "Surface.h"
    #include "Triangle.h"
    // for tests only
    #include "PointVec.h"
    // MathLib
    #include "AnalyticalGeometry.h"
    #include "EarClippingTriangulation.h"
    using namespace GeoLib;
    namespace FileIO
       GeoLib- Funktion: readPoints
       Aufgabe: Lesen der GLI Points und schreiben in einen Vector
       08/2005 CC Implementation
       01/2010 TF big modifications
    /** reads the points inclusive their names from input stream in
     * using the OGS-4 file format */
    std::string readPoints(std::istream &in, std::vector<Point*>* pnt_vec,
                           bool &zero_based_indexing, std::map<std::string,size_t>* pnt_id_name_map)
    	std::string line;
    	size_t cnt(0);
    	getline(in, line);
    	// geometric key words start with the hash #
    	// while not found a new key word do ...
    	while (line.find("#") == std::string::npos && !in.eof() && !
    		// read id and point coordinates
    		std::stringstream inss(line);
    		size_t id;
    		double x, y, z;
    		inss >> id >> x >> y >> z;
    		if (! ())
    			if (cnt == 0)
    				if (id == 0)
    					zero_based_indexing = true;
    					zero_based_indexing = false;
    			pnt_vec->push_back(new Point(x, y, z));
    			// read mesh density
    			if (line.find("$MD") != std::string::npos)
    				double mesh_density;
    				size_t pos1(line.find_first_of("M"));
    				inss.str(line.substr(pos1 + 2, std::string::npos));
    				inss >> mesh_density;
    			// read name of point
    			size_t pos (line.find("$NAME"));
    			if (pos != std::string::npos) //OK
    				size_t end_pos ((line.substr (pos + 6)).find(" "));
    				if (end_pos != std::string::npos)
    					(*pnt_id_name_map)[line.substr (pos + 6, end_pos)] = id;
    //					std::cout << "* name: " << line.substr (pos+6, end_pos) << ", id: " << id << std::endl;
    					(*pnt_id_name_map)[line.substr (pos + 6)] = id;
    //					std::cout << "name: " << line.substr (pos+6) << ", id: " << id << std::endl;
    			size_t id_pos (line.find("$ID"));
    			if (id_pos != std::string::npos)
    				std::cout <<
    				"WARNING / ERROR: found tag $ID - please use tag $NAME for reading point names"
    				          << cnt << std::endl;
    		getline(in, line);
    	return line;
    /** reads points from a vector */
    void readPolylinePointVector(const std::string &fname, std::vector<Point*>& pnt_vec,
    				Polyline* ply, const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string> &errors)
    	// open file
    	std::ifstream in((path + fname).c_str());
    	if (!in) {
    		std::cerr << "error opening stream from " << fname << std::endl;
    		errors.push_back ("[readPolylinePointVector] error opening stream from " + fname);
    	double x, y, z;
    	while (in)
    		in >> x >> y >> z;
    		size_t pnt_id(pnt_vec.size());
    		pnt_vec.push_back(new Point(x, y, z));
       GeoLib-Method: Read
       Task: Read polyline data from file
       03/2004 CC Implementation
       09/2004 OK file path for PLY files
       07/2005 CC PLY id
       08/2005 CC parameter
       09/2005 CC itoa - convert integer to string
       01/2010 TF cleaned method from unused variables
    /** read a single Polyline from stream in into the ply_vec-vector */
    std::string readPolyline(std::istream &in,
                             std::vector<Polyline*>* ply_vec,
                             std::map<std::string,size_t>& ply_vec_names,
                             std::vector<Point*>& pnt_vec,
                             bool zero_based_indexing,
                             const std::vector<size_t>& pnt_id_map,
                             const std::string &path,
                             std::vector<std::string> &errors)
    	std::string line, name_of_ply;
    	Polyline* ply(new Polyline(pnt_vec));
    	size_t type = 2; // need an initial value
    	// Schleife ueber alle Phasen bzw. Komponenten
    	do {
    		in >> line;
    		if (line.find("$ID") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found CC
    			in >> line; // read value
    			//			id = strtol(, NULL, 0);
    		if (line.find("$NAME") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line;
    			name_of_ply = line.substr(0); // read value
    		if (line.find("$TYPE") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    			type = static_cast<size_t> (strtol(line.c_str(), NULL, 0));
    		if (line.find("$EPSILON") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    		if (line.find("$MAT_GROUP") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    		if (line.find("$POINTS") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    		{ // read the point ids
    			in >> line;
    			if (type != 100)
    				while (!in.eof() && line.size() != 0 && (line.find("#")
    				                                         == std::string::npos) &&
    					size_t pnt_id(BaseLib::str2number<size_t> (line));
    Karsten Rink's avatar
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    					if (!zero_based_indexing)
    						pnt_id--;  // one based indexing
    					size_t ply_size (ply->getNumberOfPoints());
    					if (ply_size > 0)
    						if (ply->getPointID (ply_size - 1) != pnt_id_map[pnt_id])
    					in >> line;
    			else {
    				std::cerr << "*** polyline is an arc *** reading not implemented" << std::endl;
    				errors.push_back ("[readPolyline] reading polyline as an arc is not implemented");
    			// empty line or the keyword or subkeyword or end of file
    		if (line.find("$POINT_VECTOR") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read file name
    			line = path + line;
    			readPolylinePointVector(line, pnt_vec, ply, path, errors);
    		} // subkeyword found
    	} while (line.find("#") == std::string::npos && line.size() != 0 && in);
    	if (type != 100)
    		ply_vec_names.insert (std::pair<std::string,size_t>(name_of_ply, ply_vec->size()));
    	return line;
       Task: polyline read function
       03/2004 CC Implementation
       05/2004 CC Modification
       04/2005 CC Modification calculate the minimal distance between points reference for
       mesh density of line element calculation
       07/2005 CC read ID of polyline
       08/2005 CC parameter
       01/2010 TF changed signature of function
    /** reads polylines */
    std::string readPolylines(std::istream &in, std::vector<Polyline*>* ply_vec,
                              std::map<std::string,size_t>& ply_vec_names, std::vector<Point*>& pnt_vec,
                              bool zero_based_indexing, const std::vector<size_t>& pnt_id_map,
                              const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string>& errors)
    	if (!in) {
    		std::cerr << "*** readPolylines input stream error " << std::endl;
    		return std::string("");
    	std::string tag("#POLYLINE");
    	while (!in.eof() && tag.find("#POLYLINE") != std::string::npos)
    		tag = readPolyline(in, ply_vec, ply_vec_names, pnt_vec,
    		                   zero_based_indexing, pnt_id_map, path, errors);
    	return tag;
    void readTINFile(const std::string &fname, Surface* sfc,
                     std::vector<Point*> &pnt_vec, std::vector<std::string>& errors)
    	// open file
    	std::ifstream in(fname.c_str());
    	if (!in) {
    		std::cerr << "readTINFile error opening stream from " << fname
    		          << std::endl;
    		errors.push_back ("readTINFile error opening stream from " + fname);
    	size_t id;
    	double x, y, z;
    	while (in)
    		// read id
    		in >> id;
    		// determine size
    		size_t pnt_pos(pnt_vec.size());
    		// read first point
    		in >> x >> y >> z;
    		pnt_vec.push_back(new Point(x, y, z));
    		// read second point
    		in >> x >> y >> z;
    		pnt_vec.push_back(new Point(x, y, z));
    		// read third point
    		in >> x >> y >> z;
    		pnt_vec.push_back(new Point(x, y, z));
    		// create new Triangle
    		sfc->addTriangle(pnt_pos, pnt_pos + 1, pnt_pos + 2);
       GeoLib-Method: readSurface
       Task: Read surface data from input stream
       03/2004 OK Implementation
       05/2005 OK EPSILON
       09/2005 CC file_path_base
       01/2010 TF signatur modification, reimplementation
    /** read a single Surface */
    std::string readSurface(std::istream &in,
                            std::vector<Polygon*> &polygon_vec,
                            std::vector<Surface*> &sfc_vec,
                            std::map<std::string,size_t>& sfc_names,
                            const std::vector<Polyline*> &ply_vec,
                            const std::map<std::string, size_t>& ply_vec_names,
                            std::vector<Point*> &pnt_vec,
                            std::string const& path, std::vector<std::string>& errors)
    	std::string line;
    	Surface* sfc(NULL);
    	int type (-1);
    	std::string name;
    	size_t ply_id (0); // std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
    	do {
    		in >> line;
    		if (line.find("$ID") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found CC
    			in >> line; // read value
    			//			id = strtol(, NULL, 0);
    		if (line.find("$NAME") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    			name = line.substr(0);
    		if (line.find("$TYPE") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    			type = strtol(line.c_str(), NULL, 0);
    		if (line.find("$EPSILON") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    		if (line.find("$TIN") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value (file name)
    			line = path + line;
    			sfc = new Surface(pnt_vec);
    			readTINFile(line, sfc, pnt_vec, errors);
    			if (sfc->getNTriangles() == 0) {
    				delete sfc;
    				sfc = NULL;
    //			std::cout << "ok" << std::endl;
    		if (line.find("$MAT_GROUP") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    			in >> line; // read value
    		if (line.find("$POLYLINES") != std::string::npos) // subkeyword found
    		{ // read the name of the polyline(s)
    			in >> line;
    			while (!in.eof() && line.size() != 0
    			       && (line.find("#") == std::string::npos)
    			       && (line.find("$") == std::string::npos))
    				// we did read the name of a polyline -> search the id for polyline
    				std::map<std::string,size_t>::const_iterator it (ply_vec_names.find (
    				if (it != ply_vec_names.end())
    					ply_id = it->second;
    					ply_id = ply_vec.size();
    				if (ply_id == ply_vec.size()) {
    					std::cerr << "polyline for surface not found!" << std::endl;
    					errors.push_back("[readSurface] polyline for surface not found!");
    				} else {
    					if (type == 3) {
    						std::cerr << "surface type 3: flat surface with any normal direction - - reading not implemented"
    							<< std::endl;
    						errors.push_back("[readSurface] surface type 3: flat surface with any normal direction - - reading not implemented");
    					if (type == 2) {
    						std::cerr << "vertical surface - reading not implemented" << std::endl;
    						errors.push_back("[readSurface] vertical surface - reading not implemented");
    				in >> line;
    			// empty line or a keyword is found
    	} while (line.find("#") == std::string::npos && line.size() != 0 && in);
    	if (!name.empty())
    	if (sfc)
    		// surface create by TIN
    		sfc_vec.push_back (sfc);
            // surface created by polygon
            if (ply_id != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() && ply_id != ply_vec.size())
                if (ply_vec[ply_id]->isClosed())
                    polygon_vec.push_back (new Polygon (*(ply_vec[ply_id]), true));
                    std::cerr << "\n\tcannot create surface " << name << " from polyline: "
                        << " polyline is not closed.\n";
    	return line;
       Task: Surface read function
       03/2004 OK Implementation
       05/2004 CC Modification
       01/2010 TF changed signature of function, big modifications
    std::string readSurfaces(std::istream &in,
                             std::vector<Surface*> &sfc_vec,
                             std::map<std::string, size_t>& sfc_names,
                             const std::vector<Polyline*> &ply_vec,
                             const std::map<std::string,size_t>& ply_vec_names,
                             std::vector<Point*> &pnt_vec,
                             const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string>& errors)
    	if (!in.good())
    		std::cerr << "*** readSurfaces input stream error " << std::endl;
    		return std::string("");
    	std::string tag("#SURFACE");
    	std::vector<Polygon*> polygon_vec;
    	while (!in.eof() && tag.find("#SURFACE") != std::string::npos)
    		size_t n_polygons (polygon_vec.size());
    		tag = readSurface(in, polygon_vec, sfc_vec, sfc_names, ply_vec, ply_vec_names, pnt_vec,
    						path, errors);
    		if (n_polygons < polygon_vec.size()) {
    			// subdivide polygon in simple polygons
    			GeoLib::Surface * sfc(GeoLib::Surface::createSurface(
    									*(dynamic_cast<GeoLib::Polyline*> (polygon_vec[polygon_vec.size() - 1]))));
    	for (size_t k(0); k < polygon_vec.size(); k++)
    		delete polygon_vec[k];
    //	std::cout << "readSurfaces: number of read polygons  " << polygon_vec.size() << std::endl;
    //	// subdivide all polygons in simple polygons
    //	for (std::vector<GeoLib::Polygon*>::iterator polygon_it (polygon_vec.begin());
    //			polygon_it != polygon_vec.end(); polygon_it++) {
    //		// compute list of simple polygons
    //		(*polygon_it)->computeListOfSimplePolygons ();
    //	}
    //	// forest consist of (hierarchy) trees
    //	std::list<SimplePolygonTree*> polygon_forest;
    //	// create polygon forest
    //	for (std::vector<GeoLib::Polygon*>::iterator polygon_it (polygon_vec.begin());
    //				polygon_it != polygon_vec.end(); polygon_it++) {
    //		// get the list and insert the elements as SimplePolygonTree items into the forest
    //		const std::list<Polygon*> simple_polygon_list ((*polygon_it)->getListOfSimplePolygons());
    //		for (std::list<Polygon*>::const_iterator simple_polygon_it (simple_polygon_list.begin());
    //			simple_polygon_it != simple_polygon_list.end(); simple_polygon_it++) {
    //			SimplePolygonTree *spt (new SimplePolygonTree (*simple_polygon_it));
    //			polygon_forest.push_back (spt);
    //		}
    //	}
    //	std::cout << "readSurfaces: \"Polygon forest\" consists of " << polygon_forest.size() << " trees" << std::endl;
    //	// create the hierarchy
    //	createPolygonTree (polygon_forest);
    //	std::cout << "readSurfaces: \"Polygon forest\" consists of " << polygon_forest.size() << " trees" << std::endl;
    //	std::string out_fname ("GMSHTest.geo");
    //	std::cout << "writing input file for GMSH " << out_fname << " ... " << std::flush;
    //	GMSHInterface gmsh_io (out_fname);
    //	// writing points
    //	gmsh_io.writeGMSHPoints(pnt_vec);
    //	// writing simple polygon tree
    //	for (std::list<GeoLib::SimplePolygonTree*>::const_iterator polygon_tree_it (polygon_forest.begin());
    //	polygon_tree_it != polygon_forest.end(); polygon_tree_it++) {
    //		(*polygon_tree_it)->visitAndProcessNodes (gmsh_io);
    //	}
    //	std::cout << "done" << std::endl;
    	// create surfaces from simple polygons
    //	for (std::vector<GeoLib::Polygon*>::iterator polygon_it (polygon_vec.begin());
    //		polygon_it != polygon_vec.end(); polygon_it++) {
    //		const std::list<GeoLib::Polygon*>& list_of_simple_polygons ((*polygon_it)->getListOfSimplePolygons());
    //		for (std::list<GeoLib::Polygon*>::const_iterator simple_polygon_it (list_of_simple_polygons.begin());
    //			simple_polygon_it != list_of_simple_polygons.end(); simple_polygon_it++) {
    //			std::list<GeoLib::Triangle> triangles;
    //			MathLib::earClippingTriangulationOfPolygon(*simple_polygon_it, triangles);
    //			std::cout << "done - " << triangles.size () << " triangles " << std::endl;
    //			Surface *sfc(new Surface(pnt_vec));
    //			// add Triangles to Surface
    //			std::list<GeoLib::Triangle>::const_iterator it (triangles.begin());
    //			while (it != triangles.end()) {
    //				sfc->addTriangle ((*it)[0], (*it)[1], (*it)[2]);
    //				it++;
    //			}
    //			sfc_vec.push_back (sfc);
    //		}
    //	}
    	return tag;
    bool readGLIFileV4(const std::string& fname, GEOObjects* geo, std::string& unique_name, std::vector<std::string>& errors)
    	std::cout << "GeoLib::readGLIFile open stream from file " << fname
    	          << " ... " << std::flush;
    	std::ifstream in(fname.c_str());
    	if (!in) {
    		std::cerr << "error opening stream from " << fname << std::endl;
    		errors.push_back("[readGLIFileV4] error opening stream from " + fname);
    		return false;
    	std::cout << "done" << std::endl;
    	std::string tag;
    	while (tag.find("#POINTS") == std::string::npos && !in.eof())
    		getline (in, tag);
    	// read names of points into vector of strings
    	std::map<std::string,size_t>* pnt_id_names_map (new std::map<std::string,size_t>);
    	bool zero_based_idx(true);
    	std::vector<Point*>* pnt_vec(new std::vector<Point*>);
    	std::cout << "read points from stream ... " << std::flush;
    	tag = readPoints(in, pnt_vec, zero_based_idx, pnt_id_names_map);
    	std::cout << " ok, " << pnt_vec->size() << " points read" << std::endl;
    	unique_name = BaseLib::getFileNameFromPath(fname, true);
    	if (!pnt_vec->empty())
    		geo->addPointVec(pnt_vec, unique_name, pnt_id_names_map);  // KR: insert into GEOObjects if not empty
    	// extract path for reading external files
    	const std::string path = BaseLib::extractPath(fname);
    Karsten Rink's avatar
    Karsten Rink committed
    	// read names of plys into temporary string-vec
    	std::map<std::string,size_t>* ply_names (new std::map<std::string,size_t>);
    	std::vector<Polyline*>* ply_vec(new std::vector<Polyline*>);
    	if (tag.find("#POLYLINE") != std::string::npos && in)
    		std::cout << "read polylines from stream ... " << std::flush;
    		tag = readPolylines(in, ply_vec, *ply_names, *pnt_vec,
    		                    zero_based_idx, geo->getPointVecObj(
    		                            unique_name)->getIDMap(), path, errors);
    		std::cout << " ok, " << ply_vec->size() << " polylines read"
    		          << std::endl;
    		<< "tag #POLYLINE not found or input stream error in GEOObjects"
    		<< std::endl;
    	std::vector<Surface*>* sfc_vec(new std::vector<Surface*>);
    	std::map<std::string,size_t>* sfc_names (new std::map<std::string,size_t>);
    	if (tag.find("#SURFACE") != std::string::npos && in)
    		std::cout << "read surfaces from stream ... " << std::flush;
    		tag = readSurfaces(in, *sfc_vec, *sfc_names, *ply_vec, *ply_names, *pnt_vec, path, errors);
    		std::cout << " ok, " << sfc_vec->size() << " surfaces read"
    		          << std::endl;
    		<< "tag #SURFACE not found or input stream error in GEOObjects"
    		<< std::endl;
    	if (!ply_vec->empty())
    		geo->addPolylineVec(ply_vec, unique_name, ply_names);  // KR: insert into GEOObjects if not empty
    	if (!sfc_vec->empty())
    		geo->addSurfaceVec(sfc_vec, unique_name, sfc_names);  // KR: insert into GEOObjects if not empty
    	if (errors.empty())
    		return true;
    		return false;
    void writeGLIFileV4 (const std::string& fname,
                         const std::string& geo_name,
                         const GeoLib::GEOObjects& geo)
    	GeoLib::PointVec const*const pnt_vec(geo.getPointVecObj(geo_name));
    	std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> const*const pnts (pnt_vec->getVector());
    	std::ofstream os (fname.c_str());
    	if (pnts) {
    		std::string pnt_name;
    		const size_t n_pnts(pnts->size());
    		std::cout << "writing " << n_pnts << " points to file " << fname <<
    		os << "#POINTS" << std::endl;
    		os.precision (20);
    		for (size_t k(0); k < n_pnts; k++) {
    			os << k << " " << *((*pnts)[k]) << std::flush;
    			if (pnt_vec->getNameOfElementByID(k, pnt_name)) {
    				os << " $NAME " << pnt_name << std::flush;
    			os << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "writing " << std::flush;
    	const GeoLib::PolylineVec* plys_vec (geo.getPolylineVecObj (geo_name));
    	if (plys_vec)
    		const std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>* plys (plys_vec->getVector());
    		std::cout << plys->size () << " polylines to file " << fname << std::endl;
    		for (size_t k(0); k < plys->size(); k++)
    			os << "#POLYLINE" << std::endl;
    			std::string polyline_name;
    			plys_vec->getNameOfElement((*plys)[k], polyline_name);
    			os << " $NAME " << std::endl << "  " << polyline_name << std::endl;
    			os << " $POINTS" << std::endl;
    			for (size_t j(0); j < (*plys)[k]->getNumberOfPoints(); j++)
    				os << "  " << ((*plys)[k])->getPointID(j) << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "writing " << std::flush;
    	if (plys_vec)
    		const std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>* plys (plys_vec->getVector());
    		std::cout << plys->size () << " closed polylines as surfaces to file " << fname <<
    		for (size_t k(0); k < plys->size(); k++)
    			if ((*plys)[k]->isClosed())
    				os << "#SURFACE" << std::endl;
    				os << " $NAME " << std::endl << "  " << k << std::endl; //plys_vec->getNameOfElement ((*plys)[k]) << std::endl;
    				os << " $TYPE " << std::endl << "  0" << std::endl;
    				os << " $POLYLINES" << std::endl << "  " << k << std::endl; //plys_vec->getNameOfElement ((*plys)[k]) << std::endl;
    	os << "#STOP" << std::endl;
    	os.close ();
    void writeAllDataToGLIFileV4 (const std::string& fname, const GeoLib::GEOObjects& geo)
    	std::vector<std::string> geo_names;
    	geo.getGeometryNames (geo_names);
    	// extract path for reading external files
    	const std::string path = BaseLib::extractPath(fname);
    Karsten Rink's avatar
    Karsten Rink committed
    	std::ofstream os (fname.c_str());
    	size_t pnts_offset (0);
    	std::vector<size_t> pnts_id_offset;
    	pnts_id_offset.push_back (0);
    	// writing all points
    	os << "#POINTS" << std::endl;
    	for (size_t j(0); j < geo_names.size(); j++)
    		os.precision (20);
    		GeoLib::PointVec const*const pnt_vec(geo.getPointVecObj(geo_names[j]));
    		std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> const*const pnts (pnt_vec->getVector());
    		if (pnts) {
    			std::string pnt_name;
    			const size_t n_pnts(pnts->size());
    			for (size_t k(0); k < n_pnts; k++) {
    				os << pnts_offset + k << " " << *((*pnts)[k]) << std::flush;
    				if (pnt_vec->getNameOfElementByID(k, pnt_name)) {
    					os << " $NAME " << pnt_name << std::flush;
    				os << std::endl;
    			pnts_offset += pnts->size();
    			pnts_id_offset.push_back (pnts_offset);
    	std::cout << "wrote " << pnts_offset << " points" << std::endl;
    	// writing all stations
    	std::vector<std::string> stn_names;
    	geo.getStationVectorNames (stn_names);
    	for (size_t j(0); j < stn_names.size(); j++)
    		os.precision (20);
    		const std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>* pnts (geo.getStationVec(stn_names[j]));
    		if (pnts)
    			for (size_t k(0); k < pnts->size(); k++)
    				os << k + pnts_offset << " " << *((*pnts)[k]) << " $NAME " <<
    				static_cast<GeoLib::Station*>((*pnts)[k])->getName() <<
    			pnts_offset += pnts->size();
    			pnts_id_offset.push_back (pnts_offset);
    	size_t plys_cnt (0);
    	// writing all polylines
    	for (size_t j(0); j < geo_names.size(); j++)
    		const GeoLib::PolylineVec* plys_vec (geo.getPolylineVecObj (geo_names[j]));
    		if (plys_vec) {
    			const std::vector<GeoLib::Polyline*>* plys (plys_vec->getVector());
    			for (size_t k(0); k < plys->size(); k++) {
    				os << "#POLYLINE" << std::endl;
    				std::string ply_name;
    				if (plys_vec->getNameOfElementByID (plys_cnt, ply_name))
    					os << "\t$NAME " << std::endl << "\t\t" << ply_name << std::endl;
    					os << "\t$NAME " << std::endl << "\t\t" << geo_names[j] << "-" << plys_cnt << std::endl;
    				os << "\t$POINTS" << std::endl;
    				for (size_t l(0); l < (*plys)[k]->getNumberOfPoints(); l++)
    					os << "\t\t" << pnts_id_offset[j] + ((*plys)[k])->getPointID(l) << std::endl;
    	// writing surfaces as TIN files
    	size_t sfcs_cnt (0);
    	for (size_t j(0); j < geo_names.size(); j++)
    			const GeoLib::SurfaceVec* sfcs_vec (geo.getSurfaceVecObj (geo_names[j]));
    			if (sfcs_vec) {
    				const std::vector<GeoLib::Surface*>* sfcs (sfcs_vec->getVector());
    				for (size_t k(0); k < sfcs->size(); k++)
    					os << "#SURFACE" << std::endl;
    					std::string sfc_name(path);
    					if (sfcs_vec->getNameOfElementByID (sfcs_cnt, sfc_name)) {
    						os << "\t$NAME " << std::endl << "\t\t" << sfc_name << std::endl;
    					} else {
    						os << "\t$NAME " << std::endl << "\t\t" << sfcs_cnt << std::endl;
    						sfc_name += BaseLib::number2str (sfcs_cnt);
    Karsten Rink's avatar
    Karsten Rink committed
    					sfc_name += ".tin";
    					os << "\t$TIN" << std::endl;
    					os << "\t\t" << sfc_name << std::endl;
    					// create tin file
    					std::ofstream tin_os (sfc_name.c_str());
    					GeoLib::Surface const& sfc (*(*sfcs)[k]);
    					const size_t n_tris (sfc.getNTriangles());
    					for (size_t l(0); l < n_tris; l++) {
    						GeoLib::Triangle const& tri (*(sfc[l]));
    						tin_os << l << " " << *(tri.getPoint(0)) << " " << *(tri.getPoint(1)) << " " << *(tri.getPoint(2)) << std::endl;
    	os << "#STOP" << std::endl;
    	os.close ();
    } // end namespace